Your Influence Counts ... Use It! The SPOTLIGHT by Liberty Lobby

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Trilats Prep Bilderberg

  • The Bilderberg agenda for Sweden was partially revealed when its brother group, the Trilateral Commission, met in London. After all, they share the same twisted goals.
Exclusive to the spotlight
By James P. Tucker Jr.

LONDON -- The Trilateral Commis sion, meeting here March 9-12, devoted al most its entire closed-door sessions to world government.

Since the Trilaterals have a common agenda and interlocking leadership with its brother group, it is certain that Bilder berg, too, will concentrate on the world go vernment when it meets May 24-28 near Gothenberg, Sweden.

Interlocking leadership includes David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Peter Sutherland, head of Goldman Sachs Inter na tional in London. All are leaders of both Bilderberg and the Trilaterals. Sutherland is European chairman of the Trilaterals.

"Globalization and governance" was the subject of a March 10 luncheon address by Gordon Smith, former Canadian deputy min ister of foreign affairs and now director of the Center for Global Studies at the University of Victoria in British Columbia.

This was followed by an afternoon panel discussion of "globalization and governance II" led by Jusuf Wanandi, of the Cen ter for Strategic and International Stu dies in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The world government theme continued the following day. "Globalization III" stressed "improving the trading regime," led by Mike Moore, director-general of the World Trade Organization.

Also participating were Frits Bolkestein of the European Commission and Toru Kusukawa, former Japanese delegate to the Asian-Pacific Economic Commission. APEC is to evolve into an "Asian-Pacific Union" after the Western Hemi sphere becomes the "American Union" simi lar to the existing European Union.

This was followed by a luncheon session on "the international role of the United States," led by retired Gen. Brent Scowcroft, former assistant to President Ronald Reagan for national security affairs and now president of the Forum for Inter na tional Policy in Washington.

An afternoon session on "globalization IV" addressed the "democracy deficit in the global economy." It was led by Joseph Nye Jr., dean of the Kennedy School of Go vernment at Harvard University.

The closing session on March 12 was de voted to "international security challenges," with Richard Holbrooke, U.S. am bassador to the United Nations and assistant secretary of state under former Presi dent Bill Clinton, himself a Bilder berg member.

A common theme for all of the three days of closed meetings was "a world without borders" and the "demise of the nation-state." Dealing with "provincial nationalism" was viewed as a major challenge.