Your Influence Counts ... Use It! The SPOTLIGHT by Liberty Lobby

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Powell Plans Presence In Every Nook of World

  • Brand new Secretary of State Colin Powell greeted his new staff with calls for more international meddling.
Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT
By Clayton Potts

Secretary of State Colin Powell received a tumultuous welcome from career bureaucrats when he promised to seek more money to do more things to involve the United States in more places on Earth.

Powell is a servant of Bilderberg, the secret organization of international movers and shakers, and is doing its bidding in involving the United States in every petty problem everywhere.

Powell is well-paid by Bilderberg. Among the biggest contributors for speaking fees is Gold man Sachs, which has long been represented at secret Bilderberg meetings. Powell earned $6.7 mil lion last year in fees from colleges and big corporations.

Today, Powell is estimated to be worth more than $27 million, most of which he has earned from giving speeches.

Powell, a lifelong internationalist who favors compelling American soldiers to fight in United Nations uniforms commanded by foreign officers, made it clear that Earth has no small corner into which his State Department will not intrude.

He is making good on his oft-stated promise to seek more money and re sources for the State Department, Powell told his new staff.

Powell said he had "pigeon-holed" White House officials, including the head of the Office of Management and Budget and the White House chief of staff, to ask for more funds "at every inaugural ball and party I went to this weekend."

But the Chief of Staff Andrew Card, "was ducking me at every turn" until, Pow ell said, he told him: "Come here, Son."

Powell, as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under the elder Presi dent Bush, directed the Persian Gulf war that sent the president's poll ratings into the 90 percent range in 1991. He will be discussing what new actions may be necessary against Sad dam Hussein, Iraq's strong dictator who re mains in charge.


As to former President Clinton's invasion of Yugosla via, the only criticism the new president had was that it was insufficiently bloody -- even though the draft dodger then in the White House killed thousands of civilians of vary ing ethnicity in Yugoslavia.

Powell made it clear that a U.S. presence in Yugoslavia would be extended indefinitely. He complained about the condition of the embassy and other diplomatic facilities there.

Powell's formula for the future: more spending and more meddling in more places. The United States is now involved in 16 UN "peacekeeping missions" throughout the world and has several hundred thousand U.S. troops in more than 30 countries around the globe.