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The SPOTLIGHT December 4, 2000 Media Out for Blood; VNS Takes Fall A secretive media consortium that uses exit polls to project the winners in U.S. elections seems set to take the fall for blunders committed by the television networks. By Christopher Bollyn After the networks' double-barreled blunder in Florida by prematurely declaring Al Gore the winner and then George W. Bush, Voter News Service (VNS), the little-known private company that provides news organizations with exit poll information and early "unofficial" election returns, faces intense scrutiny by Congress. For 16 years, The SPOTLIGHT has investigated VNS and exposed the people and problems behind this joint media venture managed by the six major networks themselves (one manager each) to produce election data used by their own news outlets. On Election Day, VNS claims to have used temporary workers in every state and to have conducted exit polls in about 1,400 precincts. Supposedly, the data collected by its pollsters was then transmitted to its members and "subscribers" for the afternoon and evening broadcasts. At 7:52 p.m., VNS declared Gore the winner in Florida. At the time, VNS says it was relying on exit poll information from 38 precincts and actual votes from 12 locations in Florida. By around 9 p.m., additional returns were making some analysts nervous and Bush himself was questioning the call. CNN put Florida in the undecided category at 9:50 p.m. and others followed suit. VNS retracted its Gore projection at 10:13 p.m. KNOCK IT DOWN Embarrassed television media mouthpieces, uncomfortable with having their carefully cultivated images badly tarnished, have blamed VNS for the networks' blunders in broadcasting erroneous Florida results on Election Night. "As far as I'm concerned," CBS anchor Dan Rather said to radio talk show host Don Imus about VNS, "we have to knock it down to absolute ground zero, plow it under with salt, put a barbed-wire fence around it, quarantine it for a few years and start off with something new." The "mistakes" will put pressure on the networks to disband the VNS information cartel. Fox News Channel founder and CEO Roger Ailes has already said he wants to replace the consortium set up by ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, and the Asso ciated Press with more than one service. Rep. Billy Tauzin (R-La.) said on Nov. 16 that news outlets acting out of a liberal bias on election night may have cost the GOP significant votes across the country with their premature call of the Sunshine State for Gore. Flanked by Reps. Chris Cox (R-Calif.) and Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.), Tauzin called for congressional hearings in December or early next year to explain the networks' mistaken projections on election night. Tauzin, slated to become chairman of the powerful House Commerce Committee, said he plans to summon network heads, news executives and pollsters to testify at the hearings. "There may be other reasons for why what happened on election night actually happened, but the presumptive conclusion that I think any reasonable person will reach, after reviewing this evidence, is that there must have been -- there probably was -- bias in the reporting of the election by the major networks of our country," Tauzin said. VNS did not respond to repeated calls from The SPOTLIGHT for comment. However, the attention being focused on VNS may force the secretive outfit to come into the light and explain itself to voters. After being badgered for information by The SPOTLIGHT last summer, VNS finally produced a one-page brochure, scant on real information, explaining what it does. After its disaster in Florida VNS has been compelled to create a public presence on the Internet, al though it maintains a mere facade of a web site. "They're the only game in town, and nobody really knows anything about them," says Carroll Doherty, an editor at the Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C. Andy Kohut, director of the center and president of the National Council of Public Polls, to which VNS supposedly adheres, told The SPOTLIGHT that "error lies on both sides, with VNS and the networks," for the false Florida election results broadcast across the nation. The Committee for Honest Politics has filed lawsuits on behalf of voters in at least two counties in Florida's panhandle seeking an injunction against seven TV networks and the Voter News Service (VNS) to prevent them from broadcasting election projections in future elections before all polls close in the state. Voters contend that the premature claims that Al Gore had won the state di minished the value of their votes. The western panhandle is in the Central Time Zone and the polls there stayed open for another hour after the polls had closed in the remainder of the state. VNS has issued two public statements but the publicity-shy group would not make its executives available for comment."There's a congressional investigation; there's a lawsuit pending," said VNS editorial director Murray Edelman. "It's a pretty inflamed subject right now," he said, and VNS doesn't want to "pour any more kerosene on it. The SPOTLIGHT December 4, 2000 Clinton Regime, Media Black Out Border Clashes The government, in collaboration with the mainstream media, wants to keep you ignorant of violent attacks on U.S. soil by Mexico. By Mike Blair There is a conspiracy of silence among the mainstream media and the Clinton administration to suppress knowledge of attacks on the United States from across the Mexican border. In one recent incident, Border Patrol agents were attacked by Mexican soldiers and foreign, possibly North Korean, troops. The SPOTLIGHT reported in the Nov. 27 issue that on Oct. 24 Border Patrol agents had been attacked near the Otay Mesa border crossing southeast of San Diego by Mexican soldiers, accompanied by oriental troops and blond Caucasian soldiers. According to a SPOTLIGHT source, the oriental troops were most likely North Korean Commando Rangers and that the Caucasians may have been Russian mercenaries. Both groups, along with the Mexican troops, were supporting operations of Mexican drug cartels. BLACK-OUT The Establishment press, including The San Diego Union-Tribune, has not re ported on the Oct. 24 attack. There has also been a media black-out concerning an incident last March 14 at Santa Teresa, N.M., in which Border Patrol agents were attacked by Mexican soldiers operating three American-made Humvee military scout vehicles well into U.S. territory. Border Patrol agents captured one Mexican vehicle. The other two escaped, scurrying back across the border into Mexican territory. Acting on orders from Washington, the Border Patrol in New Mexico released the Mexican soldiers. The Clinton administration claimed that the incident was being investigated by both the United States and Mexico. But a few weeks later the Mexican government claimed the clash never occurred and official Washington never commented on it. UNION SPILLS BEANS The only reason that these incidents were reported at all was because they were revealed by officials of the union that represents the Border Patrol. On Oct. 27, the National Border Patrol Council Local 1613 demanded an investigation by the U.S. and Mexican governments. The union represents Border Patrol agents and is a division of the American Federation of Government Employees. The union not only reported that stray soldiers, including the foreign troops, had fired on agents near Otay Mesa, but that two of them had taken up sniper positions to direct more accurate fire at the American officers. Keith Weeks, president of the local union, has been critical of the Border Patrol officially "watering down" the Oct. 24 incident."I can tell you when the agency called me they told me they were very disappointed we issued our press release," Weeks told reporter Scott Gulbransen of Strategic Jungle Syndicate, an Internet news service. "For whatever reason they're more concerned about keeping it quiet and we don''t know why." Weeks questioned why skilled military personnel would be stationed by Mexico at the border in violation of treaties between that country and the U.S. "It scares me to think some enemy army may be closer than we think," one Border Patrol agent told Gulbransen. "People out there need to demand the truth and find out what our government knows." To this day, official Washington has classified as secret reports of the intrusion of North Korean spy ships and elite troops into North America, which was initially reported by The SPOTLIGHT in its Aug. 20, 1984 issue and supported as facts by articles appearing in The Arizona Republic The SPOTLIGHT December 4, 2000 WTO Forces Congress to Alter Law In a dramatic demonstration of our loss of national sovereignty, Congress has obeyed the orders of the World Trade Organization and changed the law. The House action came during a one-day, lame duck session on Nov. 14 before lawmakers again left Washington until Dec. 5. It went largely unnoticed while the public''s attention was concentrated on the undecided presidential election. The House approved a new version of an export-tax subsidy because the WTO said the existing law violated international trade rules. The WTO ordered Congress to change the law to its satisfaction and imposed a deadline of Nov. 17. The Senate had passed the revision shortly before the election and President Clinton signed the measure Nov. 16. The House originally balked at fast action, making it part of broader tax legislation and hoping the WTO pressure would force the White House to accept the measure. But with the WTO deadline looming, Republicans relented and passed the export revision by a 316-72 margin. The legislation revamps a tax law that allows major U.S. exporters such as Boeing, Microsoft and General Electric to save $4 billion each year by routing income from exports through paper companies known as Foreign Sales Corporations (FSC) in such tax havens as Barbados and the Virgin Islands. Most of the criticism came not on the merits of the law itself but because an international body could dictate legislation to Congress. The bill expands the existing law to include income derived from economic activities other than exports, such as overseas subsidiaries. Since the WTO, at Europe''s request, ruled that the FSC law violated rules prohibiting export subsidies, backers hope the new legislation will satisfy the international body. But the United States still has trouble with the WTO. In Geneva, the WTO may reject the revised law, paving the way for European retaliation against U.S. ex ports. Europe has asked the WTO to review the new law, saying it still violates trade rules. "We feel very good about the legislation," said U.S. Ambassador Rita Hayes. "We feel like we have implemented the recommendations that were made by the [WTO] appellate body in the dispute settlement system. This is left up to the WTO to decide." CLIMATE TREATY DODGE The Senate will not ratify the notorious Kyoto treaty, at least for several years, because of its gross unfairness. But President Clinton is trying to get this country to abide by its terms anyway. The treaty, signed by 160 nations in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, imposes steep costs on the United States and other industrialized nations while entirely exempting many countries, including Mexico. Platoons of economists have warned of sky-high inflation if the United States embraces the treaty and that even more jobs will go South as smoke stack industries move out of reach of the Kyoto demands. Scientists are divided over whether "global warming" is a myth or reality. Some climatologists report that North America is a degree cooler than in the first half of the 20th century.
The New York Times recently ran a retraction after it reported in a front-page article that pools of water were observed among glaciers in the northern-most region of the world -- evidence of global warming. Scientists, however, countered that this is a common occurrence in the Summer months and there was no reason for the Times to print silly environmentalists'' pseudo-science.
Clinton released another "study" that he said "paints a sobering picture of the future" if climate change is ignored and "makes clear that projected warming threatens serious harm to our environment and to our economy." "The scientific consensus is clear: the Earth is warming and there is strong evidence that human activity is part of the reason why," Clinton said. Representatives of the signatory nations are meeting in the Netherlands to discuss ways of implementing the treaty, which calls on industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gases by 5.5 percent over the next decade. "If we don''t have significant progress . . . we will have set back substantially the ability of the nations of the world to meet their [Kyoto emission] targets," said Undersecretary of State Frank Loy, who heads the U.S. delegation. Clinton urged the new Congress that will be seated in January to enact laws that regulate the amount of carbon dioxide -- the leading greenhouse gas -- and three other pollutants coming from power plants. Similar legislation was introduced earlier this year but never seriously considered by Congress. The United States is making several proposals at the meeting designed to make the treaty more palatable to Congress: Unlimited trading of emissions credits, so a country could avoid reductions from factories, power plants and motor vehicles by buying pollution permits from a country already meeting its Kyoto target. Extensive use of the natural capacity of forests and agricultural lands to absorb carbon dioxide through tree planting and land management. American officials said this could satisfy half of the Kyoto demand. A flexible policy on the kinds of energy technology, including nuclear power, that would qualify as credits for industrial nations if used in poor countries to reduce greenhouse emissions. The land-management proposal is especially troubling because it could bring federal bureaucrats onto the land of homeowners telling them they must plant this tree and not chop down that tree. The federal government is already trampling on the rights of landowners on behalf of "endangered" species. Land owners are being told they cannot build on their property because it is a "natural habitat" of one varmint or another. Farmers are told they cannot till their land because a pond or underbrush are "natural habitats" for other protected species. The Constitution prohibits the government from taking property without compensation. But there is no compensation when the government takes away the value of land without paving it over. Moreover, federal government facilities and multinational corporations are responsible for most of the pollution in the United States, exploiting resources and dirtying rivers and lakes. International treaties do little to help local communities get remuneration from mega-corporations and the federal government. BACK BARR BILL Congress has a chance to do some good in spite of itself when the lame duck session resumes. By attaching legislation by Rep. Bob Barr (R-Ga.) to any of six pending must-pass spending bills, Congress could rein in overuse of presidential executive orders. The Executive Order Limitation Act (H.R. 3131) is pending in the House Judiciary Committee. It would require the president to provide Congress with copies of any executive order. Congress would have 30 days to reject or modify the order. It provides specific exemptions for orders that deal with legitimate emergencies. What would not be defined as an "emergency" under Barr's proposal is the recent executive order requiring the federal government to spend millions of dollars publishing information on welfare benefits in many languages. Call your congressman and senators and tell them to support Barr's bill to rein in the White House. The SPOTLIGHT December 4, 2000 Taxpayer $$ Patch Market Bubble -- AGAIN Get ready taxpayers. Americans are facing a heavy toll as stock market madness continues unchecked. By James Harrer If you are an American worker, pensioner or small saver who owns no stocks or bonds and you think you have stayed prudently clear of the frenetic financial markets, you are mistaken -- as a taxpayer, you will have to pick up the bill for most of the plunder and pratfalls on Wall Street. First, some facts: since mid-summer, 131 major Internet companies have "crashed and burned" as financial re porter Mark Veverka put it. The losses in vanished market capitalization have not yet been totaled, but the closest round figure is a trillion dollars, veteran traders say. At least 11,000 jobs have been lost so far in this debacle. Even the surviving "high est-grade" Internet businesses, known as "Netcos," are drowning in debt. Borrowing at -notch, hi-tech corporations such as AT&T, Verizon and SBC has shot up from $93 billion to a staggering $210 billion since 1998. The burden of having to service current loans raised by smaller Netcos such as PSI Net and Nextel Communications, is getting worse even faster, growing at an unprecedented annualized rate of 60 percent. But it is not just the technology sector that is facing a crisis. A number of long-established U.S. corporations with household names are in serious trouble, whether they admit it or not. BIG TROUBLE The stock of Sunbeam, once a consumer trademark, was worth $53 in late 1998; today it sells for 69 cents, amid rumors of a federal investigation of accounting fraud at company headquarters. The Xerox Corporation, long regarded as one of the world's greatest brands, is living on bank loans and may run out of money altogether soon, industry insiders say. To make ends meet, the management has decided to fire some 10,000 employees next month, and sell up to $4 billion worth of its assets. The credit rating of the Xerox corporation has been lowered to triple B-minus by Standard and Poor -- just one notch above junk bond status -- as federal probers launch an investigation of bookkeeping "irregularities" at the company's large Mexican subsidiary. Although it is not generally realized -- or widely publicized -- research suggests the avalanche of debt that threatens to bury the U.S. corporate economy is made up largely of rickety junk bonds. In 1991, no more than $7 billion worth of such low-grade, high-yield debt was issued. Last year, the junk-bond borrowing of American firms ped an eye-popping $130 billion. The Chrysler Corporation, another U.S. business icon now controlled by the German automaker Daimler AG, has been hit with setbacks heavy enough to warrant the closing of seven manufacturing plants, amid rumors of a slashing "management restructuring." A good deal of the looming losses will have to be absorbed by the banks that financed many of these outsized obligations. And in the consensus of financial analysts, major banks will simply not be allowed to fail. Their deficits will be amortized as tax credits -- increasing the levy on ordinary taxpayers by an equal amount -- or otherwise written off. If that does not suffice, Alan Greenspan's Federal Reserve, and Congress, stand ready in tandem to organize a massive bailout, once again on the backs of taxpayers. The above does not even mention the trillions of dollars worth of derivatives -- hyper-speculative investments -- held by banks and corporations. This could prove to be the worst danger of all. If the derivative market collapses, the U.S. economy will be dragged down with it. The SPOTLIGHT December 4, 2000 Protests End in Violence Anti-globalism protesters menaced a gathering of the world's global elite in Cincinnati. By Clayton Potts Hundreds of protesters got their message through in Cincinnati, Nov. 17-18, where 200 international businessmen and political leaders were plotting a "world without borders." At least 53 were arrested as hundreds protested globalization as they had at earlier meetings of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle, the World-Bank International Monetary Fund sessions in Washington and Prague and at the Bilderberg meeting near Brussels. Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, responded to the protesters from Mexico City, where he attended a meeting sponsored by Mexico's central bank. The protests reflect "far that they would lose political control of their destinies," Greenspan said. Many demonstrators were objecting to the loss of national sovereignty to the WTO, United Nations and other arms of the rising world government. NO CONCERN Protesters said the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue, as the Cincinnati meeting styled itself, "was eliminating trade barriers without concern for people or the environment, and that the business group would exert undue influence on legislation globally," Reuters news service reported. Protesters accuse the group "of trying to water down national laws protecting the environment, consumers and workers," Associated Press reported. Greenspan cautioned his colleagues against complacency in dealing with the issues raised by the protesters because the progress made toward "open borders" could be in peril. About 400 demonstrators marched more than a mile through Cincinnati's downtown, ending up across the street from the hotel where the internationalists were meeting. Police fired tear gas and Mace, wrested some protesters to the ground and made arrests. At least 100 police officers in riot gear surrounded the hotel and eight officers on horse back patrolled. "This is undemocratic; they're making decisions that affect us and workers around the world," James Tackette of Nashville, Tenn. told Reuters. One goal of coalition groups demonstrating is "transfer of power from the corporations back to the people," said Ashish Budev of the Alliance for Democracy. Sister Alice Gerdeman of the Coalition for a Humane Economy said police searches were used to intimidate protesters, which could lead to more trouble. CORPORATE PIGS In one part of the rally, demonstrators carrying life-size papier mache pigs above their heads marched past the headquarters of Chiquita Brands International and other corporations and the conference hotel. In warning Mexican bankers about complacency in addressing issues raised by protesters, Greenspan repeated his ritual rationalizations about free trade. "The progress in lowering trade barriers since World War II marks the triumph of putting an important idea into practice: that international trade benefits all nations," Greenspan said. The SPOTLIGHT December 4, 2000 UN to Monitor U.S. Elections? Countries targeted by U.S. policymakers' arrogant meddling are using the confusion surrounding the 2000 presidential election to strike back. By James P. Tucker Jr. Members of Russia's parliament have called on the United Nations to confirm America's choice for president. In a draft resolution members of the national parliament, or Duma, also demand the right to observe U.S. presidential elections, expressing "profound concern" they will be falsified, the Agence France Presse reported. The resolution says the lawmakers have "profound concern about the danger of falsification of the results of the U.S. presidential elections, particularly in Texas and California and other territories that were forced to join the United states." NOT EXCLUSIVE? Because the United States is a world superpower, the resolution says, "the presidential election campaign in the U.S. must not be considered an exclusive internal affair of that country. The Duma suggests the UN Security Council should confirm the Nov. 7 presidential ballot before it can be declared valid. The Russians are serious, and now that they have favors from Bilderberg, it is natural to them to suggest that U.S. elections be subject to international supervision. But the Iranian press was simply laughing in print. The outcome of the U.S. elections might not be crucially important for countries such as Iran," the English language Iran News observed on Nov. 13. "However, since the United States uses democracy as an excuse to reproach, isolate and even impose unilateral embargoes on other countries, the deterioration of the American democratic process is interesting to watch." If such an election foul-up had occurred in another country, "Washington would have undoubtedly been the first to demand international monitors," the paper said. The SPOTLIGHT December 4, 2000 Spotlight on the Internet Carnivore Takes bite Out of Privacy Internet privacy experts charged during the third week of November that "Carnivore," the FBI's controversial e-mail surveillance tool, has potential far beyond what the bureau admitted previously. According to FBI documents unearthed by privacy advocates, Carnivore can retrieve all communications that go through an Internet service, a recent test of its potential sweep found. Marcus Thomas, head of the FBI's cybertechnology section, said in an interview with the Associated Press that the test was only done to check Carnivore's "breaking point." He said the tool wouldn't be used to capture broad swaths of Internet communications in a real-world situation. The FBI official stressed that although Carnivore has the ability to grab a large quantity of emails and Web communications, current law and specific court orders restrict its use. That didn't mollify privacy experts, who said they were worried about the breadth of Carnivore's capability and questioned why the FBI even conducted such a test in June if it intends to use the tool only for narrow purposes. "That really contradicts the explanation that the FBI has provided as to the purpose of the system and how it works," said David Sobel, general counsel for the Washington-based Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC). "We've been led to believe that the purpose of Carnivore is to filter and pinpoint the particular communications that the FBI is authorized to obtain. If that's true, then why are they testing the system's ability to store and archive everything?" Sobel's group recently obtained the FBI documents providing the test results as part of litigation it brought under the Freedom of Information Act. The information reveals that, in the lab report, FBI officials said Carnivore "could reliably capture and archive all unfiltered traffic to the internal hard drive" and could save the information on removable high-capacity disks as well. Thomas was one of the FBI agents who approved the lab report. "Certainly, in operation, you could set the filters up to do nothing," Thomas said. "But our procedures are very detailed; we'll only do what we're allowed to in a court order." While law enforcement officials have admitted that Carnivore can capture much more than e-mail, including Internet chats and web browsing, FBI officials insist it is only used to copy email to or from a criminal suspect in accordance with a court order. Opponents say the "black box" nature of the system keeps the public from knowing what it can really do, and its installation at an Internet service provider may cause network problems. EPIC started receiving batches of Carnivore-related material in October, after a court ordered the FBI to release the information. EPIC representatives said they have received about 550 pages so far, and expect to get only about 30 percent of the 3,000 documents related to Carnivore. Most of the released documents have large portions blacked out. FBI officials told reporters that Carnivore has been used in about 25 cases, most involving national security. Congress talked about Carnivore during the latest session, but no bill emerged from committees for votes. There is a possibility that the subject will come up in the new congress in January. Assistant Director of the FBI Donald Kerr told the Senate Judiciary Committee: "It's important to understand that all of those...other communications are instantaneously vaporized...they are not collected, saved or stored." "One of the most worrisome things is that the FBI constantly keeps seeming to move the goal post," said Wayne Madsen, senior research fellow with EPIC. "The assistant director told Congress that they didn't have the ability to store unfiltered data, but how they have a successful test of saving raw, unfiltered data on the hard drive." The SPOTLIGHT December 11, 2000 Grinch Goes Postal: Invades Post Office Why is a quasi-private organization of the government mass marketing a perverted Christmas tale? By Christopher Bollyn Americans waiting in line to mail cards and packages will notice something very different about the post office this Christmas: it has been taken over by the Grinch. The post office has been turned into a saturation advertising medium promoting the "imagery" of "Whoville" and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Post office patrons from Maine to California are greeted with a large poster of the Grinch at the front door that asks, "Guess who's coming to town?" and at the bottome tells them: "See the movie!" The Grinch is one of the many oddly named creations of Theodor S. Geisel, who used the pen name Dr. Seuss for 47 children's books that feature lyrical rhymes and colorful illustrations. He died in 1991 at the age of 87. But it is not the Seuss story of character that is being promoted in the 35,000 post office buildings across the country -- it is "a dank, eerie weird" real-life film adaptation starring Jim Carey and produced by Universal Pictures. Children will be treated to such discussions as "spouse swapping" lace with profanity when they view Grinch. The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is "a bizarre and uncomfortable film" adaptation of the Dr. Suess story that misconstrues the Grinch into a "demonic creation." The original drawings have been "expanded grotesquely" to create a world that is "unattractive and menacing," is how one critic described the visual effect of the film. Universal Pictures is a unit of Seagram Co.Ltd., the Canadian liquor empire that has diversified into entertainment, and is controlled By Edgar Bronfman, Jr., a strong supporter of President Clinton and Al Gore. Bronfman has obviously scored a real coup thanks largely to the free advertising being provided by the post office. The Grinch comedy remained No. 1 at the box office during a record-breaking Thanksgiving holiday weekend, defying industry expectations for the movie. Kid's Story Perverted By Hollywood Moguls According to studio estimates, the Grinch grossed $137.4 million during its first 10 days and will probably continue given the relentless advertising campaign. The U.S. Postal Service became a quasi-private entity on July 1,1971, by an act of congress. But the post office still remains under the control of the President and Congress although it has a board of governors who are presidential appointees. It should come as no surprise that the Clinton administration, which has shamelessly exploited the White House as a fund-raising hotel and private bordello, now abuses the U.S. Postal Service as an advertising forum aimed at a huge captive audience for powerful friends in the film industry. Although post office marketing executives confirmed that "Clinton has ultimate control over the post office," when asked if the president had arranged the use of the post office to promote a Bronfman product as a "payback" they either said they did not know or "would not touch that question with a stick." The promotion is part of a program called "First Book Charity." However, none of the proceeds of the sales of film-related paraphernalia go to charity, according to Rita Peer, spokesperson for the USPS. The program that has other corporate sponsors is meant to "encourage people to buy a book for a disadvantaged child," Peer said. The SPOTLIGHT asked Peer if this was the beginning of a new role for the post office and if Americans could expect to see more Bronfman films being advertised in the post office. She was unable to provide an answer. "The movie, pitched to little kids, is a testament to how safe, even sweet, his [Jim Carey's] satanic brand of tomfoolery has become," wrote film critic Owen Gleiberman. "Overproduced and essentially charmless," is how one critic described the film that "subverts" the original by Dr. Seuss. Mr. Showbiz called it "a stocking full of snot" for which director "Ron Howard truly deserves a lump of coal" for stripping the original "of all whimsy and wry humor in favor of loud, crashing special effects and puerile slapstick." As the Grinch himself observes, "One man's toxic sludge is another man's potpourri." The SPOTLIGHT December 11, 2000 Court Checks Unconstitutional Public Search The Supreme Court has taken one small step toward rediscovering the Bill of Rights. By William Carmichael The Supreme Court ruled on Nov.27 that police cannot make random ss hoping to find wrongdoing and/or evidence thereof. In striking down haphazard police roadblocks set up to catch drug traffickers -- and agreeing with a lower court ruling being challenged -- the majority said the right to privacy outweighs the legitimate needs of law enforcement. The court let stand, however, sobriety check points and border checks, two decisions made preciously. The high court ruled 6-3 that anti-drug roadblocks used by the city of Indianapolis for four months in 1998 were unconstitutional. The case, Indianapolis v. Edmond, 99-1030, is considered by court watchers, civil rights groups and constitutionalists to be the last word on conditions under which the police can stop motorists outside of moving violations. The majority opinion, written by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, noted that the court had previously upheld the constitutionality of roadblocks to catch drunk or drug-impaired drivers, or intercept illegal immigrants. SOME SEARCHES OK It noted, too, that the high court has upheld searches in airports, at borders and other places where the public safety is paramount. But those kinds of searches, which are not affected by this lates ruling, serve a need pressing enough th overcome the high hurdle set up by the Fourth Amendment against unreasonable searches and seizures, Justice O'Connor said. "A search or seizure is ordinarily unreasonable in the absence of individualized suspicion of wrongdoing," Justice O'Connor wrote. "We have never approved a checkpoint program whose primary purpose was to detect evidence of ordinary criminal wrongdoing." Justices John Paul Stevens, Anthony Kennedy, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer joined in her majority opinion. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist pointedly disagreed, in a dissent joined by Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. The roadblock ss of cars, during which drug-sniffing dogs got a whiff of the vehicles, "serve a weighty state interest win only minimal intrusion on the privacy of their occupants," Rehnquist wrote. When arguments were held on Oct. 3, the justices appeared sympathetic to the goals of Indianapolis officials, who were combating an admittedly serious drug problem. Looking for people who were transporting drugs for sale, rather than drug-impaired drivers, police sped nearly 1,200 cars and trucks and made more than 100 arrests, about half on drug-related charges, in the four months that the drug roadblocks were used. S THAT The roadblocks were halted when they were challenged in federal court. The argument was that police had no evidence of wrongdoing and were casting a too wide a net. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh circuit in Chicago agreed, declaring that the sweeping nature of the roadblocks -- however well intended -- rendered them unconstitutional. In the Oct. 3 argument, Kenneth J. Falk, the legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Indiana affiliate, warned that if the Indianapolis-style roadblocks were upheld, the police might eventually feel free to stop pedestrians at random. The six majority justices agreed that the Constitution demands that "such intrusions" be banned "from becoming a routine part of American life." The SPOTLIGHT December 11, 2000 United States Sowing Seeds of Hate By Charley Reese Most Americans don't realize how heinous our own government has been in its foreign policy. The Sunday Herald, a Scottish newspaper, last September reported that the United states and its allies deliberately destroyed Iraq's water supply and in the nine years since have deliberately prevented it from being repaired by keeping out the equipment and chemicals necessary. A Georgetown University professor has obtained a seven-page document, prepared by the Defense Intelligence Agency, that pointed out the vulnerability of the water system, its dependence on imported equipment and chemicals, and the likely consequences of its destruction. The report was dead accurate. The United States and its allies destroyed the system. The Sunday Herald reported that eight multipurpose dams were repeatedly bombed, smashing the infrastructure for flood control, municipal and industrial water storage, irrigation and hydroelectric power. Four of Iraq's seven major pumping stations were destroyed, as were 31 municipal water and sewage facilities. The result: Water-borne diseases -- typhoid, dysentery, hepatitis, cholera and polio -- have killed thousands of civilians in Iraq. There is always a rough justice int the universe, however. The Sunday Times has reported that tens of thousands of American and British troops are suffering from radiation poisoning from the depleted uranium shells fired during the Gulf War. No wonder both governments are trying to deny that Gulf War Syndrome even exists. The water-supply system, which we attacked, had absolutely nothing to do with supplying or supporting the Iraqi troops in Kuwait. It was a deliberate, cold-blooded attack, intended to kill and sicken Iraqi civilians. It was a war crime. People who like to yap about the rule of law should see to it that their own government obeys the law. The new president of Yugoslavia has our number when it comes to the rule of law. He said, "Washington introduced into the rule of law everything that is opposed to the rule of law: voluntarianism, insecurity and arbitrariness." It's one thing to knock our communications towers, bridges and ammunition dumps, but a city's sewer and water system has nothing to do with the military. Taking those out seems more malicious than any American would be capable of -- unless you've met some of the unthinking automatons and some of the heartless sharks who infect the Beltway. They flit around like wraiths, whispering their poisonous malice into the ears of the office holders. It would be comforting to imagine that one day the American people will elect to public office men and women who make clear to the world that we do not make war on women and children. Unfortunately, I fear that the cruelty and disregard for human life and human rights is a reflection of the American people's own attitudes. So long as the victims are "the others" -- foreigners -- most Americans don't seem to give a flip what is done to them. One hates to keep returning to the universal wisdom of religion, but what one sows one reaps. Our government has, in our name, been sowing hate, and one day we will reap the fruit of that hate. It will be bitter fruit. It will not be much consolation, if one day someone poisons our water supply, to know that that person got the idea for U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency. We need a new, more benign emperor in our Rome on the Potomac. The SPOTLIGHT December 11, 2000 The CIA, Drugs, Satanism & Child Abuse According to attorney Anita Belle: "Satanism keeps popping up in a lot of these cases involving the CIA and drug running. "One of the cases is that of Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald, a military physician in the 1970s whose wife and daughter were murdered by a Satanic cult. MacDonald was also injured during that crime, but he survived to be framed for their murders and is serving three life sentences. "This Satanic cult was also involved in distributing heroin for the intelligence community. The heroin was brought in through the cadavers of Americans killed in Vietnam whose bodies were brought to Army bases, particularly in North Carolina. We're talking about something that precedes Iran-contra by many years. "Former FBI man Ted Gunderson has come to MacDonald's defense. "In addition, attorney John DeCamp just won a victory for a young man named Paul Bonacci, who was a victim of Satanism and sexual abuse in Nebraska in what's been called "the Franklin cover-up" case, involving a prominent black figure in the Republican Party, Larry King, who was a good friend of George Bush and all of those boys an who was connected to the Iran-contra affair. "These children were used not only for sexual purposes but also as drug couriers." The SPOTLIGHT December 18, 2000 Cheney Profits From Iraq Deals While denouncing Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, Dick Cheney secretly has been cutting deals behind the scenes with the "outlaw" Mideast country. By Martin Mann Campaigning for the presidency, Gov. George W. Bush has urged the "rollback' of so-called "rogue states" -- a thinly veiled commitment to arrange the overthrow or the assassination of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. But behind the scenes his running mate, Richard Cheney, has made millions in under-the-table business deals with this blacklisted Arab government. A confidential survey by the UN Sanctions Committee of Western corporations suspected of having evaded the harsh economic embargo imposed on Iraq after the Gulf War recently noted that before being named as the Republican vice-presidential candidate, Cheney served as chairman and CEO of Halliburton, the world's largest petroleum engineering outfit. The report revealed that on Cheney's orders Halliburton bought a controlling interest in two smaller European oil-service firms, Dresser-Rand and Ingersoll-Dresser Pump, in the early fall of 1998. Cheney then used these overseas front companies as a covert conduit to sell Saddam Hussein more than $50 million worth of oil exploration and pumping equipment. The discovery that the number two man of the GOP presidential team, whose hard-line foreign-policy advisers such as Richard Perle want to issue U.S. weapons to opposition groups plotting to murder the Iraqi president, is surreptitiously in business with the leader he publicly denounces as an "evil dictator" comes at a time when Saddam Hussein appears to be turning the tables on his enemies. "In a time of sky-high gasoline prices, people are more aware than ever of the need for uninterrupted energy supplies from the oil-rich Gulf," said petroleum analyst Lee Ambrose. "What they don't know is that Iraq is still America's second-largest provider of Gulf oil -- and now Saddam has turned of the spigot." In the view of experts, the suffocating economic embargo clamped on Iraq is unraveling rapidly. In the UN Security Council, France, Russia and China now openly oppose it, and recently Secretary General Kofi Annan has begun to talk of the need to "loosen" the stranglehold of these onerous sanctions. The Kingdom of Jordan, whose "moderation" is financed by hefty CIA subsidies, has recently joined other Arab states in initiating regularly-scheduled passenger flights to Baghdad in defiance of the UN's prohibition. Syria and Iraq, bitter enemies for 20 years, have recently decided to renew their long-interrupted diplomatic and commercial relations. "Hussein has survived the war waged against it by the elder "Bush," said Ambrose. "He will likely survive the next U.S. administration, whether Bush the Younger or Gore happens to head it." The SPOTLIGHT December 18, 2000 Bilderberg Wants Warmer Relations with Cuba A new report by the Council on Foreign Relations reveals that the globalist elite are still hungering to open up Cuba to their brand of business. By James P. Tucker The Council on Foreign Relations, the propaganda ministry of the secret Bilderberg group, wants the United States to pursue a warmer business relationship with Cuba while suggesting that military action may be necessary in the future. "In the past, political instability in Cuba has repeatedly created pressures for U.S. intervention on and around the island," the CFR report said. "Many future scenarios could unleash these types of pressures on the United States. "There are many possible future scenarios that could lead to pressures for the United States to intervene militarily" when the regime of aging Fidel Castro comes to an end, the CFR said. "Policymakers must be prepared for the worst case. The CFR called for such initiatives in a report released in Washington Nov. 29. Among the report's authors were Janice O'Connell, senior foreign policy assistant to Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), a Bilderberg member, and Jay Muzur, a member of its brother group, the Trilateral Commission. Recommendations included allowing unlimited "family visits" with a broader definition of "family." It would end limits on how much money Cubans in the United States can send to the island nation. Cubans living in this country could count, for income tax purposes, family members still in Cuba as "dependents." "Retired and/or disabled Cuban Americans should be able to return to Cuba if they choose, collecting Social Security, Medicare and other pension benefits to which they are entitled in the United States," the report said. It called on the government to educate Cubans on "the available legal mechanisms" for bringing in more of their relatives as immigrants. American companies whose property was seized when Castro came to power 40 years ago should be allowed to settle their claims through a "joint venture" with Cuban enterprises, the report said. Without specifying an amount, the CFR called for making "federal funds available to support people-to-people exchanges," for virtually eliminating all travel restrictions and permitting direct airline flights to and from the island. The SPOTLIGHT December 25, 2000 Mexicans Want America's Southwest A growing movement among Mexican Americans that is antagonistic to all other Americans seeks to take back the Southwest from the United States. By Eric Owens There is a movement growing in California and elsewhere in the nation of which -- with help from the media -- most Americans are entirely unaware but enjoys the support of both the California and federal governments. This phenomenon has come to be known as the reconquista movement (Spanish for "re-conquest"). It is highly organized and its main principal revolves around the recapture of the American Southwest by Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal, and the overturning of the treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo, signed by the United States and Mexico. As strange as this might sound to the average American, there is a growing popularity for this movement among the Mexican population, as demonstrated by the high-profile, and well-funded, Mexican activist groups involved. Part of the reason for its silent success is that the mainstream media has utterly refused to report the growth, or even the existence, of this phenomenon. What is most alarming, however, is the amount of support that this movement enjoys among elected government officials. Consider this statement, if you will: "California is going to be a Hispanic state, and anyone who doesn't like it should leave!" Now, this statement, while certainly unsettling, would not be terribly surprising if given by the leader of some unimportant militant separatist group, or declared in a Marxist newspaper. However, it is rather surprising when on considers that it was a public statement given by a Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient awarded by Bill Clinton in 1998. When asked if he had made the statement during a call-in radio interview, Mario Obledo followed up with: "I did," offering no explanation or apology. He then added, "If they don't like Mexicans, they ought to go back to Europe." Of course the caller never suggested that he didn't like Mexicans. It was the suggestion of a hostile takeover to which he was objection. Obledo said "...it is the reality. We are going to take over all of the political institutions in California in the next five years." Mario Obledo is the founder of a "Latino" organization called the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF). Latino is the Spanish word for Latin. As these organizations declare themselves to be neither Spanish nor Italian, but rather Aztec Indian, it is not clear why they refer to themselves as Latins, Hispanics or by any other name from southern European culture. AGAINST WHITE MAJORITY MALDEF was founded in 1968 with funding from the Ford Foundation, which is its struggle for the interests of blacks, felt that its job would be made easier if it broadened its political base of support against the white majority population. Much as Michael Eisner took over the Disney corporation and turned it wholly against all of the views and morals that its founder Walt Disney stood for, so too did the directors of the Ford Foundation, who with offices world-wide and $9.5 billion in assets were able to bolster causes diametrically opposed to the principles dear to the heart of its founder. The Ford Foundation has funded quite an array of various non-white -- and often anti-white -- activist groups, from MALDEF and the National council of La Raza (NCLR, or National council of the Race), to the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, to name a few. MALDEF made its name by winning court cases supporting bilingual education, by successfully campaigning for bilingual voting ballots, and the inclusion of a "Hispanic" category in the census through an amendment to the 1965 Voting Rights Act. MALDEF, like most "Latino" activist groups, recognizes no real distinction between Americans of Mexican descent, and Mexican citizens. Although there is a marked difference in history, language and customs between the two groups, MALDEF is concerned primarily with race. Therefore MALDEF also works actively, and quite successfully, to defend and augment the "rights" of illegal entrants to the United States. Despite the racial expansionist form of activism practiced by groups like MALDEF and the NCLR, called "La Raza or "race" for short, they have successfully avoided the "racist" tag given by the media to all white activist groups no matter how moderate. In fact, these groups have enjoyed much political success. When the president of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo, came to America in July 1997, he paid a visit to this group and spoke before them in Chicago. At this meeting, he boasted: "I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders and that Mexican migrants are a very, very important part of it." California Gov. Gray Davis agreed. In 1999 Davis, who once said that Obledo was his "hero" clearly stated his vision for the future of California: "In the near future, people will look on California and Mexico as one magnificent region." This magnificent region is beginning to look more like a war zone. There have been several stand-offs between Mexican soldiers and the U.S. Border Patrol, then Mexican soldiers have crossed our border, and even shot at border Patrol agents. By now, most are aware of Roger Barnett, who was gotten much coverage in the media for having to detain illegal aliens on his property, simply to keep them from cutting his water lines and killing his cattle. Few, however, are aware that several American ranchers have been detained, while on their own property, bu Mexican soldiers crossing onto our soil and American newspapers, including The San Diego Tribune which borders Mexico, do not want to report these growing incidents. If current trends continue unabated Zedillo and Davis could have their way. Mexico is a country with, not only a phenomenal birthrate, but an entirely new birth explosion waiting to happen. With a majority of the population under the age of 25, a lack of viable employment, and a virtually unguarded U.S. border to the north, border crossings will increasingly appear as the logical alternative to a life of poverty. The Mexicans bring few benefits to California. The United States is beginning to feel the weight of a "Latino" population explosion. According to the U.S. Census, the "Latino " population has grown by 38 percent in the past 10 years. There are approximately 30 million "Latinos" in the United States, up from only 8 million just 20 years ago. In California alone the "Latino" population increased by 35 percent, to 10.5 million people, 2 million of whom are illegal -- a conservative estimate. There are 1 million "Latino" voters in California, a full half of all "Latinos" registered in the United States. Whites were the only ethnic group to decrease in population, causing them to no longer make up a majority in California, a state that in 1998 accounted for nearly 26 percent of all immigrants entering the country. Today, there are 100,000 births each year in the United States to illegal alien mothers, whose children gain automatic American citizenship. California schools are overcrowded as are the hospitals, largely due to illegal immigrants being awarded state funded education and medical treatment. California spends $1 billion per year in free medical care for illegal aliens. In 1992, more Mexican mothers gave birth in California than did whites. Sixty-three percent of births in Los Angeles County hospitals are to illegal alien mothers. In California schools, Mexicans accounted for 70 percent of the increase in enrollment between 1985-1996. Mexicans have the highest drop-out rate and lowest test scores in the state. Many do not speak English. Seventy percent of Mexicans enter the United States with less than a high school education, and while they comprise 30 percent of the California population, they contribute only 16 percent of the economy. Hispanics (legal and illegal) account for 55 percent of violent crime in L.S. County. The reason for Zedillo's visit to the United States and the previously quoted speech in particular, was in order to make sure that American Citizens would never be successful in denying free education and medical benefits to illegal Mexican immigrants. After the passage of proposition 187, Zedillo said in the April 4, 1997, issue of The News in Mexico City, "We will not tolerate foreign forces enacting laws on Mexicans". During his tour of America, and at the La Raza conference, he announced that Mexicans seeking citizenship in the United States would henceforth be allowed dual citizenship in Mexico. In this manner, a Mexican national would not have to fear losing his Mexican citizenship if he or she would seek citizenship in America. Therefore, one could obtain voting rights in America, but still remain a legally recognized Mexican citizen. The Implication is that, if one chose, one could vote in America, but in the interests of Mexico. During this same visit, ti was suggested that the governor of California had already assured the president of Mexico that the "catastrophic effects," as Zedillo put it, of Proposition 187 would never come to pass. How could a newly-elected governor make such a promise, with regard to a voter initiative, passed by the majority of Californians? When Davis was inaugurated, he said when discussing the issue of Proposition 187, "I'm a governor, not a judge," and vowed to uphold all of the laws of the state, even the ones with which he personally disagreed. Proposition 187 was a voter initiative that would have denied illegal immigrants the right to taxpayer-funded programs and benefits. The issues were, primarily, educational and medical benefits. In spite of daily attacks by the press on the proposition, it passed overwhelmingly in California in 1994. Predictably, it was then challenged by "Latino" activist or organizations, and ended up in federal court. Four years later, Judge Mariana Pfaelzer announced her ruling that Proposition 187 was unconstitutional. At this point, newly-elected Democratic Gov. Gray Davis -- ostensibly the people's representative -- was expected to appeal the decision to a higher court on behalf of the California voters. In an unprecedented move, however, he took it upon himself to "mediate" the bill. At this "mediation" he appointed himself as the representative of the proponents of Proposition 187, despite the fact that he had thereto fore been publicly outspoken against the initiative. He then invited various opponents of the bill to discuss a possible compromise. At this so-called "mediation," there were no proponents of the bill present. Not even the Voice of citizens Together, or the California Coalition for Immigration Reform, the two groups that wrote and sponsored the initiative, had any members invited to this "mediation." The major points of the initiative were dropped and were never tested in the Supreme court. Another key player in the reconquista movement is a group called MEChA, the Movimento Estudiantil Chicano de Axtlan. In English, this reads: the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan. Axtlan is the name which they have already chosen to rename the American Southwest, as they reject the Untied States of America, and white people in general. When visiting their web site, one is greeted by the picture of a sneering, shirtless Aztec Indian pointing his finger and stating "Who is the illegal alien, pilgrim?" This is a well-funded organization that has chapters on nearly every university campus in the Southwest, around the country, and in many high schools. The official mission statement of MEChA, called El Plan Spirituel de Aztlan or the Spiritual Plan of Axtlan, begins:
The preamble to MEChA's constitution states: "Chicano and Chicana students of Aztlan must take upon themselves the responsibilities to promote chicanismo within the community, politicizing our Raza with an emphasis on indigenous consciousness to continue the struggle for the self-determination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating Aztlan." Axtlan is the name of an admittedly mythical Aztec land, after which they have renamed the southwestern United States. The Aztecs never made it much past Mexico City. Although the Axtecs practiced cannibalism and human sacrifice, in which they pulled out the hearts and devoured the limbs of their victims, this does not discourage the idea among proponents of Axtlan of the Aztec Empire as a more attractive societal model than modern democratic America. In fact, it is not uncommon at their public rallies to see Mexicans in loin cloths jumping up and down n feathered headdress, puzzling passing commuters. The official symbol of MEChA is an eagle with wings spread, clutching a stick of dynamite in its talons, and lighting a fuse with a match in its beak. Far from being shunned as a racist or separatist organization, MEChA enjoys quite a lot of political clout, Antonio Villaraigoza, Hoe Baca and Gilbert Cedillo, all former members of MEChA at UCLA in the 1970s, are all currently elected members of the California State Assembly. In fact, Villaraigoza, referring to Proposition 187, stated: "When the will of the people is found unconstitutional, the will of the people is null and void." Villaraigoza is also the speaker of the California State Assembly. Antonia Hernandez, predient of MALDEF, was also a former member of MEChA, and was the keynote speaker at MEChA's national conference in 1998. TEACHING TOLERANCE? It is not just Mexican students in the American universities who are cooking up these kinds of ideas. Often they are led by Mexican faculty. Through the Chicano Studies" programs on many campuses resentment against whites is taught causing these inevitable political consequences. For example, Charles Truxillo, who teaches Chicano Studies at the University of New Mexico, advocates a sovereign country called the "Republica del Norte," or Republic of the North, which would encompass the American Southwest. Truxillo said that the "Southwestern Chicanos and Norteno Mexicanos are becoming one people again." This should be achieved "by any means necessary," using an overused, but no less menacing, quote by the late anti-white activist Malcolm X. According to the Associated Press, Truxillo feels it is his job to develop a cadre of intellectuals" who will turn this concept into reality. The university of New Mexico also is home to a Southwest Hispanic Research Institute. Its director, Felipe Gonzales, states that there is a "certain homeland undercurrent" among Mexican students who feel that the Southwest was stolen from Mexico. "Educated elites are going to have to pick up on this idea and run with it and use it as a point of confrontation if it is to succeed," Gonzales said. Another of the Aztlan proponents is L.S. School Board member Vicky Castro, who like most of the influential Latino leaders enjoys beginning a speech with a loud "Viva La Raza!," said that she had always wanted to begin a class by saying "Good morning Azltan!" Many Mexicans still harbor a grudge against Americans over the outcome of the Mexican-American War, and believe the resulting Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo to be unjust and invalid. The Mexican government is all to happy to exploit this type of sentiment in the United States. California bears plentiful and diverse mineral and agricultural resources. This suggests one reason why Mexico is so interested in "El Norte." One of the main figures behind the dual citizenship movement in Mexico was Angel Pescador Osuma, the Mexican consul general of Los Angeles. In 1995 he spoke before the Southwestern School of Law in Los Angeles regarding the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo. When discussing Mexican immigration into the United States, specifically with reference to the dual citizenship proposal, he said: "I believe that we are practicing the reconquista of California." Although this all might seem like wishful thinking on the part of the Mexican government and the radical "MEChistas" as they call themselves, the reality proves otherwise. One dity, the Texas town of El Cenizo, has already declared Spanish its official language as well as officially declaring itself a "safe-haven" for illegal immigrants, prohibiting city government employees from turning in illegal immigrants to the INS. Although this is against federal law, it is not being challenged by the INS, which has been headed by outgoing director Doris Meissner, a long-time open borders advocate. Robert Bach, also a long-time open borders advocate is now the Associate Commissioner for Policy Planning at the INS, in charge of setting our immigration policies. Bach announced that the INS would no longer deport illegal aliens unless they had been violent. El Cenizo is a town exclusively inhabited by illegal aliens and the descendants of illegal aliens. El Cenizo has set the precedent. Predictably, illegal immigration isn't sping at the borders of the Southwestern states, nor are its associated problems. Mexican drugs and crime are spreading across the country with the same rabidity as Mexican nationalism. Des Moines, Iowa, has been hit especially hard, as well as small town in Kansas, by Mexican drug cartels aided by Mexican government officials. Eighty percent of felony drug arrests in Salt Lake City, Utah, are illegal aliens. Reno, Nev., had an annual festival over-run by 2,000 gang members. The small town of Rogers, Ark., experienced its first drive by shooting after Tyson Chicken put up billboards all over Mexico advertising jobs in it Rogers meat-packing facility. As far east as Farmingville, N.Y., residents witnessed hundreds of Mexicans marching through their small Long Island community in October, waving Mexican flags. This year's march in Farmingville is just a small sampling of what is to come. On Oct. 12, 1997, Los Angeles watched as 70,000 Mexican -- legal and illegal -- marched under the Mexican flag yelling "Raza Si, Wilson No!" One Mexican was seen on the local news holding up a dead baby pig with then California Gov. Pete Wilson's name scrawled across its body. Entire neighborhoods in southern California speak English as a second language or not at all. On June 13, 1998, while speaking in Portland, Ore., even President Clinton said: "Mark my words. Immigration of this size and scope could threaten the bonds of our union." Clinton is certainly not telling the California citizenry anything new. In the Loria Town area of Los Angeles an El Salvadorian gang has all but run the LAPD out of the neighborhood. When police have tried to retrieve stolen cars from the area, they were met with machine gun fire and engine parts being tossed off of the roofs of apartment buildings. with thousands of non-English-speaking residents living in just a few apartment buildings, some frightened by gangs, and others simply unwilling to cooperate with American authorities, arrests are very difficult in these neighborhoods. The passage of Proposition 187 really began to mobilize the Mexican leaders on both sides of the border. Four hundred Mexican leaders met at UC Riverside to discuss strategy and how to create new voters out of illegal aliens. On March 27, 1995, Mexican intellectual, Jorge Bustamonte wrote in Mexico City's Excelsior newspaper that the Mexican government should make it easier for Mexocan nationals to vote in U.S. elections, and outlined the plan which resulted in the granting of dual citizenship in Mexican nationals residing in the United States. The idea was clearly set forth that if Mexicans did not have to fear giving up their rights as Mexican citizens, they would be encouraged to become citizens of the United States and take part in U.S. elections, voting for the interests of Mexico. The list of government officials who hold these kinds of views is long. Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, who prides himself on being "Hispanic," said that Hispanics must put political parties aside and think of themselves as Hispanic first. Art Torres, chairman of the California democratic Party, who when speaking before "Latino" leaders begins his speeches by yelling "Viva la Raza!," said: "We need to concentrate and help those organizations like One Stop with Juan Jose Gutierrez and ... Americana with Bert Corona, any organization that helps make citizens. Power is not given to you, you have to take it! Remember, proposition 187 is the last gasp of white America." Bert Corona, a self-described Marxist-Leninist, heads the Hormandad Mexicana Nacional or the National Mexican Brotherhood and has received $30 million in federal funds to support his organization. On Stop Immigration is another citizen-making organization. It is headed by Mexican radical Juan Jose Guttierez. Its symbol is the American flag, but with only 13 stars. During an Oct. 17, 1994, rally, Guttierez gave the microphone to a parade of Mexican radicals who made all sorts of threatening comments to the effect that Mexicans were "re-colonizing" America and that white Americans were "very afraid." They opened up the rally by playing the American national anthem mariachi style, while Guttierez showed his deliberate lack of respect by talking all the way through it. Then they played a lively Mexican national anthem. Guttierez sprang to attention and raised his fist. Guttierez was also permitted to lead a march on Washington with a uniformed, official military band of the Mexican army, demanding amnesty for illegal aliens. Latino activist Jose Jacques Medina said in a television interview that his organization, as well as most of the other major "Latino organizations, tet their funding from U.S. government contracts. PAY 'THEM' BACK Our political process has been hijacked and we are paying for our own displacement. Major corporations pick up the remainder of the tabl not covered by our tax dollars. As well as government funding and the Ford Foundation, illegal immigrant groups have the backing of corporations such as GTE, Miller Brewing Co., Coca Cola, American Airlines, Chrysler Corp., Mobil, Burger King, AT&T, Avon, Texico and JC Penney. These are just a few of the major corporations that have funded groups such as MALDEF and the Southwest Voter Registration Project, and other group that works feverishly to get "Latinos" registered to vote. At the 1997 Southwest Voter Registration Education Project meeting, L.A. County Supervisor Gloria Molina implored Latinos to register to vote, saying: "Our vote is gonna be important, but I gotta tell you, there's a lot of people that are saying, I'm gonna go out there and vote because I wanna PAY THEM BACK." FIGHTING BACK While virulently anti-American, and specifically anti-white groups are given government grants and contracts with which to disrespect our country and people, American advocacy groups are embattled, not only financially, but also physically. Leading the vanguard against Illegal immigration is the California-based conservative group, Voice of citizens Together (VCT). They work on a shoe string budget, with no help from the government or large international groups such as the Ford Foundation. VCT is a grass roots organization funded solely by donations from its members and supporters. Despite the constant struggle for funds, Glen Spencer, who heads the organization, has managed to get Proposition 187 on the ballot and approved by California voters as well as to launch a weekly radio program, entitled american Patrol, on radio stations across the country. VCT also ran a large recall effort against Gov. Gray Davis, although it was ultimately unsuccessful due to a total media blackout. They have also produced an extremely important video, entitled Threatening the Bonds of Our Union, taking its name from the Clinton speech quoted earlier in this article. This tape has been an invaluable source of information to activists and news reporters everywhere. On July 4, 1996, at an annual Independence Day celebration, VCT was attacked by the communist Progressive Labor Party. VCT members, comprised to a large extent of pensioners and veterans, were beaten with weapons and received no help from the police. The local news showed elderly men waving U.S. flags with blood streaming down their faces. Similar attack took place this year, again in Westwood, Calif. Communists, after burning the American flag directly in front of a veterans' cemetery, came charging across the street while local police did nothing. Police finally stepped in, but not before the communists were able to strike a few VCT members. In a bizarre turn of events, the police were actually disciplined for sping the violence. In fact, the government, having already dubbed any and all white activist groups as potentially violent "hate groups," is beginning to set its sights on multi-racial, patriotic and immigration reform groups as well. On Oct. 25, an official safety bulletin was released by the Department of Justice warning that "anti-immigration hate crime organizations" were planning to meet in Douglas, Ariz. to support the local ranchers. WHITES MUST ACT So, the message is clear as far as our elected officials are concerned: whites out, Mexicans in. At this point, we can either continue to try to work within this government, or come up with our own solutions to these problems Do we still posses the iron hearts of our forebears? The world is awash today with ethnic conflicts caused by governmental forcing of hostile foreign peoples into coexistence. Whether it be Zimbabwe, or Kosovo, the results are never pretty. We can either act on this situation today, or we can wait. However, if we do not act soon, this situation will surely act upon us and our families at a later time -- a time in which we may be even less prepared. The SPOTLIGHT December 25, 2000 Clinton Asks Border Patrol to Excuse Incursions Why is the Clinton administration putting pressure on Border Patrol agents to hold their fire when Mexican soldiers cross into the United States? By Mike Blair Border Patrol agents are apparently under orders by the Clinton administration not to shoot back if fired upon in clashes with Mexican police and military units along America's southern border. Border Patrol agents have at least twice been fired upon by Mexican military units in the past year, after Mexican troops invaded U.S. territory, probably in support of drug traffickers. The most recent clash occurred Oct. 24 near the Otay Mesa morder crossing point southeast of San Diego. The first incident took place March 24 when three Mexican army Humvee scout vehicles crashed through a fence, invaded U.S. territory at Santa Teresa, N.M. and fired at Border Patrol officers who were on horseback. The SPOTLIGHT has learned that Border Patrol officers have been order by a "higher authority" not to return fire unless cleared by their headquarters. When the clash took place near Otay Mesa, the Border Patrol received gunfire from about 10 Mexican soldiers, some of whom were operating from the U.S. side of the border. At least two of the invaders had taken up sniper positions against the Border Patrol. The SPOTLIGHT reported on Nov. 27 that eyewitnesses reported seeing Asians and blonde-Caucasians among the Mexicans. SPOTLIGHT sources indicated that the Asians were most likely elite North Korean Commando Rangers. The "blonde haired Caucasians" may have been former Russian Spetsnaz elite troops now operating as mercenaries. Tensions are high in border towns as the understaffed Border Patrol faces more and more pressure to stem the tide of illegals crossing the border. Recently, a local newspaper in Arizona reported that Border Patrol agents had fired into a field, responding to what they believed was gunfire. According to the sheriff's office, the sounds of gunfire were actually gas-powered equipment used by farmers to chase away dear and birds. The report concluded that Border Patrol agents on the scene were most likely not from the area and were not familiar with the devices. Immigration and Naturalization Service head Doris Meissner Has been criticized by local officials in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California for closing down parts of the border, while keeping a few open in order to squeeze illegal border crossings into a few regions, including Douglas, Ariz. The result is that those regions left less defended have faced huge costs in trying to stop the millions who attempt the illegal crossings annually. The SPOTLIGHT December 25, 2000 Media Ignores Immigration Crisis The United States is being invaded on the Mexican border by illegal immigrants who are being exploited both north and south of the border by high-powered economic and political interests. It's a certain formula for chaos and Glen Spencer of voice of Citizens Together, a California-based citizens group, has been warning of the dangers for years. Spencer was the guest of the Oct.22 broadcast of The SPOTLIGHT's weekly call-in-talk forum, Radio Free America, with host Tom Valentine. What follows is an edited transcript of the interview with Spencer. Valentine's questions start with a "Q". Spencer's responses start with an "R". Q. It is often said that Mexico is a culture of corruption and that this has impacted on Mexican immigration into the United States. R. A lot of Mexicans say that. A lot of people say that. Andreas Oppenheimer, the Latin American correspondent for The Miami Herald has said that. Then he was a guest on Sixty Minutes, Oppenheimer said, "Corruption is a major ingredient in the economic and political collapse that Mexico has suffered" over the past several years. There is utter and complete corruption in Mexico beyond anything that we could imagine. I've been focusing on this issue of immigration from Mexico and what it means to the United States full time for none years. I was just interviewed by a student from the University of Southern California who asked me, "Why are you doing this?" It's part of my genetic structure. I can't help it when I wee my country being threatened and I think it is being threatened quite seriously. Q. That student probably couldn't understand why you wouldn't be an enthusiastic support of what is known as "multiculturalism." R. Well, I think that's how she felt. However, if I could appeal to authority, le me reference Samuel P. Huntington, who is the Albert J. Whitehead III University Professor at Harvard University, where he is also the chairman of the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies. This is what he said recently: "If over one million Mexican soldiers crossed the border, Americans would treat it as a major threat to their national security and react accordingly. The invasion of over one million Mexican civilians a newly-elected Mexican President Vicente Fox seems to recommend, would be a comparable threat to American security and Americans should react against it with comparable vigor. Mexican immigration is a unique, disturbing and looming challenge to our cultural integrity, our national identity, and potentially to our future as a country." Is this some skinhead, wacko, right-wing nutcase talking? Vincente Fox is a character in and of himself. He has said, "I imagine that middle class American sitting at his TV, drinking his beer, watching Vicente Fox coming on TV and telling them that we are going to go up on the border, he gets a heat attack, no doubt. Q. I lived in southern California and watched the Mexican expansion in that part of the country. A lot of these people were actually declaring war on the United States. R. They are saying, "This is our territory. This is ours." And they mean it. Americans are going to eventually find out about this, wither through us telling them, or they are going to find out the hard way. Q. The Mexican-Americans I knew when I was growing up in California were born in the United States and were just as American as anybody and they also resented the immigrants. R. There was an article in The San Jose Mercury News on Oct. 15. It reported that "Established Latinos are more likely to support curbing immigration." The truth is that Latino voters agree with most Americans that the government needs to crack down on immigration. Q. Former House impeachment counsel David Schippers has revealed how Bill Clinton and Al Gore expedited the naturalization of a large number of Spanish-speaking immigrants in order to make it possible for them to vote in the 2000 election. R. We called this the "Reconquista Re-Election." Clinton and Gore essentially used the Mexican goal of conquest to get them certified as voters right after the Mexican government granted these immigrants dual citizenship. They did that so that they could vote in the interests of Mexico and the Republican Party rolled right over and played dead. In the meantime, the Clinton administration has been promoting passage of the Latino and Immigrant Fairness Act. This would give amnesty to about 2 million illegal aliens and will lead the way toward 15 million illegal aliens. Q. What can we do? R. What we have to do is create a lot of heat so the politicians see the light. This si not a drill. Everybody has to get on the telephone and call their congressman and demand immigration reform. Here are some toll-free numbers that people can use to call their congressmen: 1-800-241-7109 or 1-800-548-3516. Tell your congressman that there must be "no amnesty." Cut it off. Tell them that you will vote against them if they vote for amnesty. People can make a difference. If the Republicans roll over and play dead, I'm going on the warpath against them. Q. Do you think we need to put the military on the border? R. Oh yes. I have said for years and proven over and over again that Mexico is invading us with hostile intent. They have all the reasons. They think they have justification. they think they have the payoff. Mexico has a lot of self-made troubles and we keep making the problem worse by things such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). We discuss this on our videotape and the whole history of the conflicts between the United States and Mexico from the beginning. You have to understand the whole history in order to understand what's happening today. Q. Previously, immigrants had to have sponsors. R. In 1965 they decided to open the borders and import poverty into the United States. In 1996, they tried to correct the problem and say that immigrants had to have a sponsor but that sponsor had to show that he or she was earning 125 percent over the poverty level. so congress caved into the Ford Foundation and the Mexican lobbyists. Q. I remember the brassero program during World War II. R. that came in March 1942 in order to relieve our boys who went over to fight Hitler. It was a bad idea. That's what really started illegal immigration from Mexico. The immigrants were supposed to go home at the end of the harvest, but they stayed. Instead, what they are trying to do is dissolve the border between the United States and Mexico and merge the two countries. That's the globalist idea. Mexico doesn't get the joke because they are very nationalistic, although they are very happy to come up and take over our territory and our lands and essentially overwhelm us with their numbers and their votes and eventually strip us of our capital. The population of Mexico is 115-120 million, but about 20 million of them are in our country already. Q. What about al the problems Mexico is having in Chiapas? R. That's where all of the NAFTA plants should be. That's where all the natural resources and the water are located. They move the NAFTA plants to the border and this creates all of these environmental disasters. In Chiapas they have these problems with the indigenous Indians who don't like the government and the government doesn't like them.
In my judgement, as a student of economics, we need a Marshall Plan for Mexico. We need intervention. We need to move in and overhaul the country and move out all the corruption and it's got to be very dramatic. It's going to be dramatic in a way, eventually, in ways that the American people are not going to like.
The SPOTLIGHT December 25, 2000 Unsuspecting U.S. Consumers May Be Getting FDA Approved Vaccine Contaminated with Deadly Virus Because public health officials claim that supplies of influenza vaccine are in short supply this season, the FDA has approved for sale in this country 20 million doses of flu vaccine that may be contaminated with the virus that causes mad cow disease By Virginia Winston Earlier this year, according to an October 2000 article by the The Observer, a leading British newspaper, British pharmaceutical company Medeva's Liverpool plant was found by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be producing vaccines in filthy conditions. The FDA report found that Medeva neither maintained nor cleaned its equipment. It also reported that Medeva was unable to prove that its vaccines were not contaminated with bacteria or fungi. Certain fungi provide the medium in which the prion protein crystal that causes bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or "mad cow" disease) to proliferate. Because it exports flu vaccine to America, Medeva got a U.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) "warning" to clean up its act. However, in a report dated Oct. 22, The Observer noted that the FDA had not re-inspected the filthy Medeva factory since it sent the warning letter earlier this year and has given the company the green light to sell an estimated 200 million doses of its "Fluvarin" flu vaccine in the United States during this cold and flu season. The British government recently recalled Medeva's oral polio vaccine (OPV) as it had been grown from "bovine material of UK origin" contrary to mandated vaccine production protocols. Until its removal from the marketplace last month, Medeva's OPV had been injected into 11 million people, mostly children, commented another British newspaper, The international Herald Tribune. Hundreds of thousands of "mad" cattle in Britain have been destroyed since 1993 in an attempt to control the spread of Prion disease that is epidemic in England, Ingestion of beef and other products derived from prion-infected cattle have been linked to the epidemic of prion disease in humans. Prion disease is called mad cow disease in cattle, scraple in pigs and sheep, whirling disease in fish and wasting disease in deer and elk. It is called Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) in humans. it is estimated that as many as 200,000 Americans who have been mis-diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease are actually victims of CJD. The Medeva Fluvarin vaccine, produced in the same plant that produce the recalled OPV, may have the potential of opening the floodgates of a "mad cow" epidemic in the United States. Though the administration of possibly contaminated Fluvarin may be a public health disaster, the dominant media has failed to sound the alarm and the FDA has not ordered that Fluvarin be tested for the presence of prions or the fungi in which they grow. FDA approval of the potentially contaminated Fluvarin for sale in the United States was likely influenced by a shortage of flu vaccines here this season. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) National Immunization Program Director Dr. William Atkinson, the A-Moscow-1099 strain of flu virus did not incubate properly this year and, therefore, did not produce "serum" in large enough quantities to produce sufficient doses of flu vaccine to meet demand. So, despite Medeva's "history of contamination and production blunders," the FDA authorized the distribution of Fluvarin to clinics and hospitals all over the nation. "It stands to reason that Medeva's flu vaccine -- manufactured in the same reportedly filthy plant as the recalled polio vaccine -- could also contain BSE prion-contaminated materials," commented Dr. Len Horowitz. Horowitz is the author of several books including Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse in which he meticulously documented the development and spread of prion disease world-wide by following the path of published science. An official at the National Institutes of Health describes the prion which causes BSE as, "The single most resistant organism on the face of the Earth. You can boil it, you can put in formaldehyde, you can autoclave it for a little while, you can treat it with the usual disinfectants...and it's like you didn't do anything." IF Fluvarin is contaminated with BSE, then millions of unsuspecting Americans may be injected this year with a terminal neurological disease. Prion crystals, 100 times smaller than a virus, cause lesions in brain tissue, known as encephalopathies, that turn the brain to mush and gradually causes dementia and death. British officials predict that hundreds of thousands of Brits will eventually show symptoms of this terminal malady. CJD is so dangerous that medical examiners are afraid to perform ausies on people and animals that are suspected as having succumbed to prion disease. Continental Europe, which originally considered itself safe from prion disease, is in a panic over recent discoveries that some of their animals and citizens are showing symptoms. Fluvarin is currently on the shelves of Doctors' offices and health departments all over the country and is being administered to the public. Medical personnel in the northwest United States who confirm that they have administered Fluvarin are unaware of the Medeva scandal or the likelihood that the triple-antigen flu vaccine is contaminated. There are at least two facilities in the United States that are capable of testing Fluvarin for prion contamination: The National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and the National Institutes of Health in Maryland. Since neither the FDA nor the dominant media have demanded that Fluvarin be tested for contamination, anyone abut to receive Fluvarin should demand the vaccine be properly tested. If your health officials haven't heard about Medeva's track record, it's time to get them educated. A series of British media reports covering the Medeva scandals is available online at http://observer.guardian.co.uk Go to "Information," then "Archive," then type "Medeva" in the keyword box. See especially the Oct. 22 article, "Revealed: Full Scale of Vaccine Blunders" The SPOTLIGHT December 25, 2000 Employees Leave FDA to Sabotage Health Freedom A health freedom advocate exposes the plot to misinform Congress and the public. By The SPOTLIGHT Staff "What do John Hathcock, Ph.D., of the Counsel for Responsible Nutrition, Henry I. Miller, M.D., of Stanford University, Todd Cooperman, M.D., and William R. Obermayer, Ph.D., all have in common?" asked International Advocates for Health Freedom President John Hammell. "They all recently left the FDA, and are each playing significant roles clearly intended to help pharmaceutical interests get complete control of the dietary supplement industry, not only in the United States, but world wide," Hammell answered. Miller, who now works at Stamford University, recently wrote the article, "Death By Dietary Supplements" which was published in Policy Review. Hammell explains the Policy Review, published by the Heritage Foundation, is an inside-the-beltway magazine that influences members of Congress. He also noted that Miller's former employment with the FDA,"...is conspicuously mission from the article," so the reader would not make the connection unless he was told. The article is a non-scientific rant intended to point policymakers' opinion in favor of regulating public access to dietary supplements because failure to do so would be a public health disaster. Miller promoted the European example of dietary supplement regulation represented in Codex Alimentarius as being in the best interest of the American people because, "it controls these substances as drugs." By raising concern in Congress about consumer safety with regard to dietary supplements, Hammell believes that the former FDA employees is paving the way for the introduction of legislation intended to repeal the Dietary Supplement and Health Act of 1994 which allows public access to such products with limited government oversight. Curiously, Miller's article mentioned a brand new "testing firm," ConsumerLab.com, which was started by two more former FDA officials. Todd Cooperman, M.D. is the president and William R. Obermayer, Ph.D., is the vice-president of the new "for-profit" company that analyzes"...various dietary supplements and posts the results on the Internet. it licenses a seal for products that meet its standards. The company hopes to profit by selling its seal to supplement makers and its information to third parties on the Internet, such as health care web sites and on-line retailers," miller explained. According to Hammell, the new business is getting massive coverage in the press and, therefore, gaining lobbying strength because of its policy of issuing "...negative statements about quality control in the supplement industry." Finally Hammell mentions Council for Responsible Nutrition Vice-president of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs and former FDA official John Hathcock. According to Hammell, Hathcock formerly worked alongside Dr. Beth Yetley of the FDA. Yetley is a member of the U.S. delegation to the international Codex Alimentarius Commission which supports the use of a probably fraudulent report submitted by the National Academy of Sciences as evidence to promote the regulation of dietary supplements. "I recall Hathcock from when he used to work at the FDA because he spoke at a press conference at the Beyond Deficiency Vitamin Conference in 1991 at which there were eminent scientist from all over the world extolling the virtues of dietary supplements, citing irrefutable scientific evidence attesting to the safety and efficacy of numerous dietary supplements," Hammell said. "I heard Hathcock condemn all of these scientific studies and say to the news media that none of them were honored by the FDA, and the FDA would allow no claims based on anything that had been said at the conference." Hammell later sat next to Hathcock on a metro train and attempted to question him about his performance. "He got up and moved to another seat, refusing to answer any question," said Hammell. Regarding the strategic career moves of former FDA officials Miller, Cooperman, Obermayer and Hathcock, Hammell said: "We'll never know for sure if any of them left the FDA with the intention of serving i the capacity of Government plants in the private sector, but they might as well be. From what I can see, we're being methodically set up to have our access to dietary supplements controlled by government, in part through the actions of these four people." The SPOTLIGHT December 25, 2000 Drug Makers Want Vitamin Regulations The fix is in for regulation of dietary supplements. By The SPOTLIGHT Staff The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) has been outspoken in favor of global regulation of dietary supplements as proposed by the international Cocex Alimentarius Commission and the Food and Drug Administration. CRN's membership is a who's who of the world's most powerful foods and pharmaceutical interests. According to International Advocates for Health Freedom President John Hammell, the pharmaceutical interests-dominated CRN is working with the little known group, "Transatlantic business Dialogue (TABD), to "illegally force the harmonization of our dietary supplement laws to grossly restrictive, totally unscientific international standards." TABD is an influential association of over 120 American and European corporations that strongly supports international standards and regulations for dietary supplements and the creation of an international body to enforce them. Evidence that Hammell's presumptions are correct is found in CRN's posting of TABD's press release following its annual CEO meeting in Cincinnati Nov. 16-18. "The recommendations we have developed at this meeting will, if adopted by the governments, expand trade and investment opportunities for larg, medium and small companies by removing obstacles and inefficiencies in the U.S. and European regulatory regimes," said George David, chairman and CEO of United Technologies Corporation and U.S. TABD chairman for 2000. "Adoption of these recommendations will create jobs, raise living standards, lower costs and improve access to goods -- that is, provide concrete benefits for business, for labor and for consumers." Some of CRN's members are American Home Products Corporation, American Laboratories, Inc., Archer Daniels Midland company, BASF Corp., Bayer Corp., Biotron Laboratories, Inc., Cargill, Inc., Hoffman-La Roch, Inc., Monsanto Life Sciences Co., Nestle USA, Inc., Smith Kline Beecham Specialty Minerals, Inc. and the Warner-Lambert Company. In 1999 Hoffman-La Roche was fined a record $500 million by the Federal Trade Commission for engaging in illegal price fixing in the sale of vitamin raw materials. Monsanto is the manufacturer of the controversial bovine growth hormone that has been proven to cause cancer in rats and makes cows sick. Monsanto also holds the patent on the "terminator gene" which forces farmers to purchase seed from them year after year because hybrid row crops are no longer capable of producing viable seed for replanting. Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill are two of the three major corporations in the world that ultimately control the redistribution of the world's food supply. The pharmaceutical companies listed produce the vaccines, cancer chemotherapy drugs, pain killers and mood-altering drugs that are directly competing with the dietary supplements. CRN wishes to be controlled by international regulatory apparatus. Between the members of the U.S. Codex Alimentarius Delegation, the FDA, TABD and the CRN, "...the USA is being very skillfully set up for the forced harmonization of our dietary supplement laws to a grossly restrictive, totally unscientific international 'standard' that is being slowly shoved down our throats at Codex," said Hammell. Hammell, whose own life was saved by having access to high-potency vitamins, has been on the front lines of health freedom for the last 10 years. The manner in which he has proceeded in exposing the complex and well-financed conspiracy to gain regulatory control of our access to dietary supplements is the product of a decade of dedicated research. To find out more about Hammell's mission to protect your right to take vitamin C without a prescription from your doctor, he can be contacted via email at: jhammel@iahf.com or by visiting the IAHF web site at: www.iahf.com |