Your Influence Counts ... Use It! The SPOTLIGHT by Liberty Lobby

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Danes Dump Euro, Defy Bilderberg

  • The Danes' clear rejection of the Euro is a major setback for the globalists' one world agenda.
Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT
By Christopher Bollyn

The Danish people have prevailed over the big-money oligarchs of Europe and voted to keep the krone (crown), their national currency and symbol of Den mark's sovereignty.

On Sept. 28, the Danes rejected the euro by a vote of 53 to 47 percent and won a decisive battle against the European financial elites who sought to abolish their national currency and replace it with the euro, the common currency of the European Union.

Rejecting membership in the "euro-zone" in a national referendum, 87 percent of the electorate turned out in a historic vote to defend their econo mic sovereignty and dealt a severe blow to the troubled common currency of the European super-state.

The euro, which is shared by 11 na tions, has steadily declined in value, losing almost 30 percent against the dollar since it was introduced in January 1999.

The Danish referendum on whether to adopt the euro, however, was about much more than money.

"The essential issue is the preservation of our sovereignty," Pia Kjaersgaard, leader of the Danish People's Party and opponent of the euro said. "The euro will erode our national authority and identity at a time when Denmark is already be coming more and more multiethnic and globalized."

Ms. Kjaersgaard's anti-immigration policy has drawn comparisons to the po sitions of Pat Buchanan, Joerg Haider of the Austrian Freedom Party and Jean Marie Le Pen of France's National Front.

"Do we want to lose control of our lives with more and more decisions made by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt or in Brussels?" she said. "Do we want this multiculturalism, this multi-ethnicity, about which the country was never consulted? I say we don't want either."

The campaign for the euro in Denmark was a lopsided affair pitting Ms. Kjaers gaard, "an ordinary housewife with three children" against the big-money interests of Europe.

In a speech in England last December, Ms Kjaersgaard warned the Third Congress for Democracy that the struggle to maintain national sovereignty in Europe would not be easy.

"The powers we are up against are dreadfully strong," she told attendees of the meeting.

Leading the "eurocrat" forces for the European Union is the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe, founded in 1987 by European industrialists, whose board of directors includes the heavy-hitters of the Bilderberg club: Viscount Etienne Davignon, Giovanni Agnelli, Jacob Wallenberg and Kenneth Clarke, to name but a few.

The Center for European Policy Studies, the official European Union think tank with headquarters in Brus sels, is directed by an elite group of bank ers, barons, princes, and the very same viscount Etienne Davignon.

Following the big boys, Danish proponents of the euro include most elites of business and labor, the Danish mass-media and 46 of Denmark's 48 newspapers. European Union propaganda is even aimed at children in elementary schools across Denmark.

Against this mighty machine rose a modern-day Joan of Arc ready to throw a wrench in the works in order to defend the sovereignty of her nation against "that federal state that the peoples of Europe don't want."

The euro has been described as "an economic device designed solely to achieve a political end -- namely a federal Europe of impotent member states" -- under the control of the Brussels-based bureaucracy led by the oligarchs of Europe and their appointed ministers.

The ascent of the European Union (EU) coincided with the demise of the Soviet Union; as the Warsaw Pact disintegrated in the East, a new European super-state was rising in the West.

Throwback to Stalin

During the past year the EU has displayed a similar leftist intolerance of democracy and national sovereignty shown by Stalin's Soviet Union.

The unelected "komissars of political correctness" in the EU reacted to the elections in Austria in which Haider's Free dom Party won 27 percent of the vote by applying sanctions to the Austrian na tion.

The Danish public sided with the Austrians and disapproved of the EU bullying of a small nation. The sanctions were hurting the euro campaign in Den mark and were recently jettisoned in an attempt to manipulate Danish public opi nion to support of the euro.

Apart from the current weakness of the euro, the Danes who opposed membership in the "euro-zone" feared that joining would result in a reduction in the Danish standard of living, a lowering of the value of the retirement pensions and an increase in immigration.

The Danish referendum was being closely watched in Britain and Sweden where similar decisions will have to be made in the future.

Ms. Kjaersgaard saw the euro falling apart and said neither Sweden nor Bri tain would ever hold referendums on the issue if Denmark voted "no". "I think, in the longer view, that the single currency could break down if we vote 'no.'"