Your Influence Counts ... Use It! The SPOTLIGHT by Liberty Lobby

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Senators Surrender U.S. Industry to Globalists

  • Recent passage of the China trade deal legislation reveals how senators could not care less about U.S. national interest or the American public.
Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT
By James P. Tucker Jr.

When the final votes were counted, only 13 senators -- a cafeteria of ideologues -- had the courage to vote for the interests of the United States and against those of world government.

Voting against granting permanent normal trading relations, or PNTR, to communist China were Sens. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) on the Capitol's right flank and Paul Wellstone (D-Minn.) from the left.

Also taking lonely pro-American stands were such unlikely political bedfellows as Sens. Bob Smith (R-N.H.), who has a 100 percent Liberty Ledger rating and Jim Bunning (R-Ky.; 90 percent) and Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.; 10 percent).

Others who stepped into the bright pages of history by supporting American interests were Democrats Robert Byrd (W.Va.), Russell Feingold (Wis.), Ernest Hollings (S.C.), Harry Reid (Nev.) Paul Sarbanes (Md.) and Republicans Ben Campbell (Col.), Tim Hutchinson (Ark.), James Inhofe (Okla,), James Jeffords (Vt.) and Arlen Specter (Pa.).

Not voting were Democrats Daniel Akaka. (Ha.) and Joe Lieberman (Conn.), who was too busy running for vice president.

Eighty-five senators -- including the two no-shows -- buckled under the immense pressure applied by Bilderberg through international corporations. Many millions of dollars were spent by huge corporations -- a worthwhile "investment" in their view -- to bribe and buy the Senate.

Not only was "up-front money" -- for immediate activities -- used to bully senators. There was also the threat of financial punishment in the years ahead when a senator could find himself confronted by a challenger wallowing in "soft money" with hordes of people directly contributing the maximum $1,000.

It is these huge global conglomerates -- always well-represented at annual secret meetings of Bilderberg and its brother group, the Trilateral Commission -- that will profit immensely from the Senate surrender.

They will ship tens of thousands of American jobs to slave-wage China, where there are no financially burdensome government laws imposing minimum pay and exhaustive regulations or labor unions fighting for vacations, health care and other expensive fringes.

Equally important to the world shadow government is the fact that PNTR approval opens the door for China to join the World Trade Organization. This brings the world's largest nation into the global "Department of Commerce" -- an important building block in the emerging world government.

President Clinton, himself a Bilderberg loyalist, hailed the Senate's be trayal of America's interests. Clinton fancies PNTR to be his elusive "legacy."

As the fateful vote approached in the afternoon of Sept. 19, the unfortunate outcome was obvious.

"The Senate is about to make a grave mistake," said Byrd.

"We should engage China -- but not embrace China," Mikulski said.

But appeals for American interests fell on ears made deaf by internationalists.

The fight had actually been lost when the Senate rejected 24 amendments to the PNTR legislation. Instead, the Senate passed the House version without change, avoiding further votes and sending the bill to the president.

The major amendment had been offered by Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.), which would monitor China's exporting weapons of mass destruction. That was voted down 66-33 on Sept. 13 and many of the supporters, including Thompson, voted for final approval of the "clean" PNTR bill.

America's trade deficit was running at an annual rate of $353.7 billion in July, frighteningly higher that the old record deficit of $265 set last year. Under PNTR, economists warn, this will leap still higher.

If foreigners choose to cash in their dollar-dominated investments on Wall Street, Associated Press warns, it "could send the stock market crashing."

Hollings, a critic of the Trilateral Commission and a long-time fighter for "fair trade" instead of what is inaccurately termed "free trade," made a strong but futile case against PNTR.

Hollings said he favored "not having 'normal trade relations' with anybody because our 'normal trade relations' are a $350 billion to $400 billion trade deficit which is destroying the middle class in our society [and] weakening our democracy."

Hollings blasted other members of his party and specifically presidential candidate Al Gore's claim of being a populist.

"They say they support blue collar workers," he said, "but instead they vote for the white collar crowd."


"I remember when we balanced the budget in 1968 and 1969 under President Lyndon Johnson," Hollings said. "The national debt was less than $1 trillion; the interest cost was only $16 billion. That was the cost of all the wars from the Revolution ... through Vietnam."

Today, the debt is "up to $5.7 trillion, with $1 billion a day being spent on interest," Hollings said.

Industry and jobs were already being lost to China even before the final vote, he said.

"Boeing of Seattle, Wash., is moving production of airplanes -- the most prominent of export industries -- out of the country," Hollings said. "In order to sell the Boeing plane in China ... 50 percent of the Boeing 777 is made in downtown Shanghai. So we are losing the best, the best of jobs."

The most productive automobile plant in the world -- Ford -- is not in Detroit but in Mexico as a result of NAFTA, Hollings said.

"With the profit the corporations make, they don't mind the jet lag," he said. "They don't mind moving for a while to Japan and Korea and other places. And, as of 1973, the banks -- Citicorp and Chase Manhattan -- made a majority of their revenues and profits outside the United States."

The international interests "organized the Trilateral Commission ... and if you run for president the first thing you do is get a gilded invitation to go up and pledge on the altar of almighty free trade your loyalty and your fealty," he said.

"So you become sophisticated," Hollings said. "You become knowledgeable. Yet you don't know what you're talking about."

Gun laws lurk

With fifth Congress preoccupied with the fiscal year 2001 budget, there is a danger that one or more of 48 bills aimed at gunowners will sneak past as an amendment to pending legislation.

Citizens can help their congressmen and senators by reminding them of this threat so they can have their staffs be on the alert. (No legislator reads all of the bulky budget legislation before voting.)

Meanwhile, Second Amendment foes have tuned up their propaganda ma chines to grease passage of gun laws before adjournment and to defeat patriotic lawmakers on Nov. 7.

Handgun Control Inc., one of the most radical opponents of the Second Amendment, paid tribute to many public officials and lawmakers by airing its "dangerous dozen" and "dishonorable mention" lists of gun-control opponents.

"This is the most critically important election we have ever faced," said Sarah Brady, chairman of Handgun Control, in releasing the list. "When the votes are counted on Nov. 7, we expect to gain some new supporters and lose some adversaries."

Her husband, James Brady, was left paralyzed in the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan in March 1981. The traumatic experience caused her to oppose the Second Amendment and she was recruited as titular head of Handgun Control.

George W. Bush and his running mate, Dick Cheney, head the "dangerous dozen" list. While Reform candidate Pat Buchanan is also a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, Handgun Control is following the mainstream media's policy of pretending he does not exist.

George Allen, former Republican governor of Virginia who is challenging Sen. Chuck Robb (D), Sen. John Ashcroft (R-Mo.) and Rep. Bill McCollum (R-Fla.), who is also running for the Senate to fill the vacancy being created by the retirement of Connie Mack (R), are also listed.

"Gov. Bush's first act in office was to allow Texans to carry hidden handguns," Handgun Control said in a statement. "Sen. Ashcroft has voted against Handgun Control's positions 13 out of 13 times."

Others honored by being on Handgun Control's "dangerous" list are Sen. Spencer Abraham (R-Mich.) and Reps. Jim Rogan (R-Calif.), Charlie Bass (R-N.H.), Ernie Fletcher (R-Ky.) and Adam Putnam (R-Fla.) and Rep. Mathew Mar tinez (D-Calif.). Martinez has already lost his party's primary to Hilda Solis.


President Clinton is urging Congress to send even more tax dollars to Israel to purchase peace and give him a "legacy."

Israel now receives more than $3 billion a year -- an amount equal to $500 for each of its 6 million citizens. But Clinton wants that increased by $17 billion over the next 10 years.

According to the Congressional Re search Service, Israel has received more than $66 billion in grants plus $15 billion in loans from the United States since 1949.

But resistance in Congress may be stiffening.

When increased aid to Israel was debated in July, many in Congress complained about Israeli plans, over U.S. objections, to sell an advanced radar plane to Red China. Israel reluctantly canceled the deal.

Others are pointing out that the Israeli economy is booming while aid continues at a high level.

"I don't want Israeli citizens to assume this is an entitlement, like food stamps in the Middle East," said Rep. Sonny Callahan (R-Ala.), who heads the House subcommittee that writes the foreign aid budget.

Callahan called for ending economic -- but not military -- aid to Israel. Military funding accounts for $1.9 billion of the aid to Israel in the current fiscal year.