Your Influence Counts ... Use It! The SPOTLIGHT by Liberty Lobby

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Taxpayers Financing NEA Attack On Christ

  • Liberals are attacking Jesus Christ in the name of "art" and "free speech."
By Mike Blair

Christian groups across the United States are expressing outrage over the production of an off-Broadway play in New York City that depicts Jesus Christ as "King of the Queers." It puts forth the message, in foul language and acts, that Christ died because he defended homosexuality.

The play, Corpus Christi, by little known playwright Terrance McNally, is being produced by the Manhattan Theater Club. The group has received $400,000 in U.S. taxpayer funds through the National Endowment for the arts (NA) since 1994.

The play has renewed demands that Congress end funding for the endowment.

While the production is being attacked by various groups of many faiths, it is being supported by People for the American Way.

At the same time it defended the offensive production, People for the American Way aired television commercials across the country, urging that the nation overlook the sexual peccadilloes of President Bill Clinton so he can continue the business of running the country.

People for the American Way was founded by television producer Norman Lear.

Clinton, as might be expected, has been a strong supporter of U.S. taxpayer funding of the NEA, which has consistently funded lewd, pornographic and other offensive material that it considers "art." As a result, he gets strong backing from the Hollywood-oriented People for the American Way.

Barbara Handman, who heads the People for the American Way in New York, was questioned by Bill O'Reilly on the Fox News program, The O'Reilly Factor, about how she would react if a play ridiculed the so-called Holocaust, like Corpus Christi ridicules Christianity.

Handman said that such a production about the Holocaust would be "a terrible play," but she indicated that she cannot judge Corpus Christi because she has not seen it, although she has led pro-demonstrations outside of the New York theater where the play is being produced.

Radio and television newsman Shaun Hannity concluded that during a discussion of the play, in this "politically correct" atmosphere of liberals across the nation, they rush to defend any attack on Afro-Americans or homosexuals, but do nothing to defend Christians of Christianity being ridiculed.

Hannity concluded that Christians are the ony group left in America that it is okay to consistently attack.

Bill Donohue of the Catholic League for Religious Civil Rights has been willing to talk on various radio and television shows about his objections to the anti-Christian play, as long as he doesn't feel that his criticism could lead to "gay bashing."