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Tape Points to U.S. Cover-up

  • Hard evidence points to bombs placed inside the Murrah building by someone with expertise and access. So why does the government insist a truck bomb destroyed the building?
By Andrew Arnold

A recently released video raises several key points investigators have shied away from since the A.P. Murrah Federal Building was bombed April 19, 1995.

The video, Cover-Up in Oklahoma, features footage shot by Oklahoma city- based news crews in the minutes and hours following the bombing. In addition, retired Air Force Gen. Ben Partin, an explosives expert, explains how a truck loaded with explosives could not have caused the destruction America is all to familiar with. The tape also shows that there was not a "crater" produced by the blast as authorities claimed.

"It's a classic cover-up," Partin says of the federal investigation.

Producer Jerry Longspaugh said the tape does not have a copyright. It can be reproduced and distributed.

According to Longspaugh, the video has been shown on several cable access stations around the country.

"It is only 50 minutes, so there is a little time left over for a discussion of what viewers just saw," he added.

Many hoped several important questions surrounding the bombing would be answered when defense attorney Stephen Jones and federal prosecutors closed their cases in Denver.

Prosecutors, however, were more interested in convicting Timothy McVeigh than answering questions. Jones failed to raise many key points independent investigators have raised since shortly after the tragic explosions.

That's right -- explosion(s). Oklahoma City reporters interviewed a victim rescued from the building who said he jumped under his desk after hearing a "rumbling" underneath the building.

The federal worker likened the experience "to an earthquake." The next thing he knew, glass was flying all around him.

Within hours of the explosion, federal authorities reported finding two other bombs -- undetonated -- inside the building. The discoveries hampered rescue efforts. Each time a new explosive device was detected, officials cleared the area. Rescue teams couldn't get to work because "of other bombs in the area,' reporters were told by police after the explosion.


The first section of Cover-Up is loaded with television footage from the scene April 19. Reporters were told 1,200 pounds of explosive were in the bomb that exploded. Officials said the bombing had to have been carried out by an explosives expert. They called the bomb a "sophisticated device" planted by a "sophisticated group."

TV cameras in Oklahoma city on April 19, 1995 showed repeated shots of the sheriff's Department bomb squad vehicles and made comments about "the busy day" they had had. Other shots showed the little white trucks entering the rubble to take out the second bomb.

Next, federal authorities confirmed a second bomb -- larger that the first -- was discovered, undetonated, according to multiple news reports. Later, a third bomb, also larger than the bomb that cut the guts out of the building was found undetonated.

"Why was this information suppressed?" the video asks. "Why was the media kept out: Did feds remove the surveillance cameras?"

Later Oklahoma television cameras focused on terrorist expert Fandall Heather. He said the undetonated bombs would point authorities to whoever planted the bombs. So what happened to the other bombs?

Within about five hours, the official story had changed completely. The federal government suddenly claimed a care loaded with 1,200 pounds of explosives was responsible. The story later changed to a truck with fertilizer and fuel.


Engineers, including Partin, have pointed out it is impossible for a bomb placed that far from the pillars of the Murrah building to do the damage attributed tot he truck bomb.

According to basic physics, i.e. the inverse cube principal, the explosion would have lost too much energy by the time it hit the building to destroy it.

If a truck bomb didn't destroy the building, critics want to know what did.

After analyzing photos from the scene, Partin tells viewers four bombs were placed inside the building on the pillars.

"There had to be charges inside the building," Partin says. 'They were at the third floor level ... There were for demolition charges inside the building. The charges were taped to the columns.

"It took people with access," he added.

Partin based his opinion on, among other things, the cut of the pillars. Experts claim a blast from at distance would rip the columns, like crushed ice cubes. However, the columns of the Murrah building were "melted" away.

This "a characteristic signature" of a bomb placed on the column according to Longspaugh, who is an engineer by trade.