Your Influence Counts ... Use It! The SPOTLIGHT by Liberty Lobby

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OK Bombing Evidence Bungle Exposed; Roll of Undeveloped Film Goes Missing

  • Here, readers of The SPOTLIGHT are learning the details the mainstream press has suppressed about the trial of the century.
By Mike Blair

A missing roll of undeveloped film has caused a sensation among those close to the trial of accused Oklahoma city bombing defendant Timothy J. McVeigh in Denver.

The bombshell fell during the testimony of Deborah June Thompson, a combination secretary, dispatcher, matron, jailer and booking officer at the Nobel County Jail in Oklahoma.

She was asked about McVeigh's personal belongings that were inventoried when he was jailed after being arrested by an Oklahoma state trooper, who had spotted the defendant driving without a rear license plate on his car.

Among the inventoried items was the roll of film. However, when the bag containing McVeigh's belongings was turned over to the FBI it no longer contained the roll of film. According to the jail employee it had been "picked up by someone else."

FBI Agent Lou Hupp, a fingerprint expert, confirmed a roll of film was missing. He said it was "picked up" before he got the bag of McVeigh's belongings. No one seems to know who picked it up or where it may be now.

Speculation out of Denver is that the film may have included some shots of the mysterious John Doe No. 2, whom the FBI now insists never existed, and perhaps even others linked to the case, not yet known to the public.


Hupp testified to exactly what McVeigh's fingerprints are on. McVeigh's prints were not on anything in Elliot's body shop and Ryder rental truck office, not even on the contract signed by Bob Kling, allegedly McVeigh using a false identity.

McVeigh's prints were also not on the famous storage locker which allegedly held the explosives before the bombing, not on the ammunition cans, not in the Dreamland Motel where the Ryder rental truck was allegedly parked before the bombing.

The only thing McVeigh's fingerprints have been found on is a receipt for the fertilizer, a transaction in which he was not involved. And conspicuously missing from the receipt are the fingerprints of those who were involved in the transaction, the store clerk and Nichols.

When Hupp was asked why McVeigh's fingerprints were not found in Nichols' home, he said he was ordered not to look for prints there.

Whose prints, many at the trial wondered, could have been there?

Some wonder haw certain parts of the Ryder rental truck were recovered, but so many others that should have been recovered were not. The missing parts include the vehicle engine block.

The famous axle from the truck, on which the vehicle's identification number was found and thus allowed agents to trace the truck is an interesting story in itself.

The axle was found by a caretaker at the nearby Regency Towers apartment building, Richard Nichols, whose family, according to him, was nearly wiped out when the axle came zooming through the air and collided with their Ford Festiva compact car, demolishing it. It was then photographed in front of the vehicle at the street curb.