Your Influence Counts ... Use It! The SPOTLIGHT by Liberty Lobby

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NAFTA Absorbs Boundaries

  • Millions Affected as U.S., Mexico; Create International Border Region
    Bureaucrats ignore the question of sovereignty in race to eliminate the border.
By Andrew Arnold and T.J. O'Connor

Without voting on it, all Americans living between Brownsville, Texas and San Diego, California, have had their communities placed under control of an international body.

This is neither hype nor rumor, it's NAFTA. Actually it's the Agreement of Cooperation for the protection and Improvement in the Border Area (La Paz Agreement) signed in 1983. The giveaway "entered into force with the NAFTA trade agreement," says the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the U.S./Mexico Border XXI Framework Document, La Paz went into effect in January.

Other U.S. cities affected include McAllen, Laredo and El Paso, Texas, and Yuma, Arizona.

La Paz replaces the U.S./Mexico 1,933-mile border with a 62.5-mile strip north and south of the traditional border to be open zone called Border Region XXI. About 10 million people in America and Mexico live withing the zone.

This agreement created the Border Environment cooperation Project and the North American Development Bank to provide U.S. funding. More cash will come from the World Bank and Mexico.

Investigative reporter Karen-Lee Bixman warns the road to a New World Order is Paved Environmental Green and Border Region XXI is the first step on the road.

"Traditionally, Americans have looked to their representatives to stand in the gap between freedom and tyranny," she added. "Under the auspices of saving the environment, our nation's borders will be dissolved."


Mexican agencies are expected to join U.S. bodies in regulating the environment in Border Region XXI. This means water rights for Americans in the Southwest have been ceded to an international body.

For example, EPA and Mexico's Secretariat for Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries (SEMARNAP) and Secretariat for Social Development (SEDESOL) have been merged to police environmental matters within Border Region XXI.

Natural resources management is slated to fall under a newly created body including the Department of Interior, the Department of Agriculture and SEMARNAP.

Border Water Resources fall under the U.S. and Mexican Sections of the International Boundary and Water Commission Interior, EPA and SEMARNAP.

The Department of Health and Human Services will team with Mexico's Secretariat of Health to manage environmental health.

According to the EPA, one of the goals of Border Region XXI is to improve binational law enforcement capabilities. "This allows for the creation of Binational law enforcement teams consisting of U.S. Law enforcement, firefighters and emergency response teams," says Miss Bixman. "Stationed on the Mexican side of the border, they would respond to emergencies."

Critics say these international bodies will tell landowners what they can and cannot do on their property. Compliance with land-use regulations will be monitored by U.S. Geological Survey infrared aerial photos.

"The U.S. Congress must take action on behalf of American people and our national sovereignty to uphold our national borders and free our people from their resources being controlled by the EPA," said James Thorsen, president of the New Mexico Citizens Action Association.

"Resources like water, air, land are all under the supervision of Non- governmental organizations without any legal authority except through treaty," he added. "Treaties ar the new way to go around the people and their rights uner the U.S. Constitution and our national sovereignty." according to critics.


The guiding force behind the La Paz Agreement is the UN principle of so- called "sustainable development,' according to critics.

In 1992, 179 countries met in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the UN conference on world Environment. The so-called Rio conference developed a global plan for "sustainable development."

The United States did not sign on the agreement, but President Bill Clinton has adopted Rio Principles for his administration.

"He want a domestic policy that can be integrated to achieve 'economic progress, environmental protection, and social equality,'" says Luther Broaddus III, a newspaper columnist in the Southwest. Clinton's sustainable development "covers everything from the need for abortion, to septic systems, to removal of subsidies on over grazed public lands.

"Controlling these principles; economy, environment and social equality, are the three legs of Clinton's policy he calls ' sustainable development,'" he added. "It is apparent he means to force compliance by our people to the international standards."

Broaddus said the county officials in New Mexico and Arizona whom he had talked to had never heard of the agreement. In addition, they had no idea how taxes, law enforcement, etc, will be affected.

Congressional staffs were even less helpful, he said. For instance, when Rep. Joe Skeen's (R-N.M.) Office contacted the Congressional Research Service, on Broaddus' behalf, the office was told, 'The La Paz Agreement is unrelated to NAFTA."

As noted above, the bureaucrats of the EPA disagree.