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Clinton, Gingrich Push American Union Pact with Religious Fervor

  • Washington's plutocrats are looking for fast track authority to add another Latin country to NAFTA.
By James P. Tucker Jr.

Despite the countless jobs the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has asked Congress for "fast-track" authority to enlarge the mischief.

NAFTA was established under fast track -- whereby the administration negotiates the agreement and Congress can vote it up or down but make no changes.

Clinton is asking for fast-track authority to bring Chile into NAFTA, which now includes only the United States, Canada and Mexico. Ultimately, as David Rockefeller has said explicitly, NAFTA is to include every nation in the Western Hemisphere.

As NAFTA expands, the current 90-man commission will grow accordingly, and evolve into a parliament for what is to become the American Union, patterned on the European Union superstore. The third great region of the world, being established for the administrative convenience of the global government, is the Pacific Union.


Clinton called for fast-track authority before a friendly audience - the American society of Newspaper Editors -- which was meeting in Washington on April 11. Those from the top mainstream papers - such as the Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times, among others -- collaborate with the Bilderberg group, the senior arm of the globalists, and keep its secrets.

Former presidents Gerald Ford (Bilderberg) and Jimmy Carter (Trilateral) support fast track. Clinton belongs to both the Trilateral Commission and its senior brother group, Bilderberg.

Clinton has been pushed by House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) To ask Congress for fast track. The so-called "opposition party" isn't expected to provide any opposition to the free trade plans of the Global Plantation plutocrats.

"While I know you share my deep commitment to promoting environmental protection, sustainable development and improving labor conditions, you cannot continue to allow those who insist on incorporating those issues into trade authority to halt our progress toward reaching good trade agreements," Ginrich wrote Clinton. In other words, sweat-shops, child labor, dangerous pollution and coolie wages are fine for other countries, even though the U.S. did away with them decades ago.

The president had delayed in asking for fast track for Chile to enter NAFTA because some of the leaders of Clinton's party, most notably Rep. Dick Gephart (D-Mo.) Voiced opposition.

Gephardt voted against NAFTA, citing environmental and labor concerns, but voted for the oversight body, the World Trade Organization, a year later. The congressman is seen as Vice President Al Gore's greatest competition to head the Democratic ticket in 2000.


The most significant element of NAFTA expansion, which is important to the international conspiracy to establish a world government, comes in the little- noticed side agreements of labor rights and environmental protection.

The political appeal is obvious to an uninformed electorate. Kind-hearted Americans want workers to be fairly compensated and unions see the labor agreements as possibly slowing down the export of their jobs. Everybody wants clean air and water.

But as NAFTA and its commission expand, and such labor and environmental agreements are applied throughout the Western Hemisphere, the power to enforce the rules will also increase the power of the evolving parliament. International enforcement agencies must then be established.

So the threat of an international police force, patrolling throughout the hemisphere and reporting to the United Nations, looms behind the prattle about workers, air and water.

In calling for fast-track, Clinton said the United States would lose out to competitors in the European Union unless NAFTA expands. But recent reports show Europeans facing double-digit unemployment are as opposed to internationalism as patriots elsewhere.

Still, Clinton said he would work with congress and outside groups to reach agreement on the side issues.

"But let me be clear," he said, "there is one consensus we cannot avoid: We cannot shrink from the challenges of leadership in the global economy." He stressed the word "interdependence," a buzzword circulated by globalist to make it appear that it is already too late to reinstitute America first trade and foreign policies.